The Bookstore - 24

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She is beyond sore from all the intercourse her and Oscar have been doing. She went to work with him this morning feeling great but also not being able to walk properly. She taped a laminated sign out front saying she was going to close extra early today so she can go see Greg at the hospital again. The last time she went to meet up with his lawyer went well and as sad as Maisie is about the whole situation, the money will be deposited into her bank account when Greg rests in peace. She cried that day after his lawyer left and rubbed Greg's head as he laid in his hospital bed looking dead, though he still had a smile on his face from seeing Maisie.

"What brings you here again?" Greg asked after they greeted each other. Maisie shrugged and noticed how bad he looked. Big bags under his eyes with a pale complexion. She pouted slightly and held his hand. "You said you only have two weeks left." She whispered right off the bat. Greg sighed from next to her and tightened his grip on her hand. "I'll always be with you my little girl. Just know I love you." Maisie nodded and let her tears out. Oscar is waiting outside for her since he doesn't want to intrude on their time alone.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She commented through tears and a runny nose. He nodded, agreeing with her and closed his eyes. He laid back as his hand kept the same, firm grip on hers. His hand slowly slipped out of hers and she jumped up. She shook him lightly and cried harder and harder every time she called his name quietly. Nurses quickly stepped into the room and shooed Maisie out as well as Oscar.

She cried the whole way to her apartment. Oscar's hand was set on her thigh rubbing circles to comfort her, but nothing seemed to be working.

They got home and she wanted to cry and let everything out but she didn't want her love to see her like that. "It's okay Maisie. You can let it out. Let all of your emotions run free." Maisie slid onto the floor as she cried silently and shook. Oscar smiled a very sad smile and picked her up. He carried her to her bedroom and sat down near the window. He knows how much looking out onto the city can help her mood go from zero to a hundred. It helped her a little bit as she hugged her boyfriend extremely tightly and looked out of the big window and watched people walking by.

It was nice out today and many people were out. Traffic was reduced only a tiny bit as everyone was out walking instead of driving, but the New York City roads were still backed up as usual.

"It'll be okay. You'll be okay." He whispered sweet nothings into her ears and kissed her head after almost every word he said to her.

It was an hour later that Maisie stopped crying and gently brushed her tears off. She fanned her face and moved her eyes to get rid of the weird, sticky after feeling from crying so much and so hard. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this. It's just, he's been my rock for six years now." Maisie fanned her face and brushed the tears away gently. "No need to be sorry. As long as you are feeling better afterwards and are being taken care of is what I'm worried about." Oscar replies, brushing the fallen pieces of hair back behind her ears. Her earrings showed and it's the first time he really paid full attention to her and only her.

The sun would start to set soon and Maisie took the time she had sitting with Oscar by the window to watch it with him. She commented on the stars and the full moon that was out tonight. She commented on the purples and pinks mixed in with the oranges and yellows and blues. She loves sunsets. She loves them as much as Oscar which is a lot. The sun was fully down now, the only light was coming from street lamps and the moon which were all shining directly into her bedroom.

"Are you tired?" Oscar whispered in her ear as he rocked her back and forth. She still sat quietly in his lap facing away from him. She nodded her head and turned around in his arms. "Can you help me up?" Instead of just helping her stand, he carried her to the bed and tucked themselves into bed. He hugged her close to him for comfort and she breathed in deeply and exhaled soon after. Once Maisie's breathing was steady, he slowly got out of her hold and changed into pajamas, which for him are just his boxers.

He proceeded towards the closet and grabbed a large T-shirt he left a while ago. It fit Maisie like a dress so it will do perfectly. He took off her jeans and sweatshirt and changed her without touching or really looking at anything. Even though he's seen and touched, he doesn't want to disrespect her like that. He quickly changed her and when the shirt was on that's when he took her bra off so she could be at maximum comfort.

After brushing his teeth and getting a glass of water, he finally slipped back into the bed. The sheets were covering both of them as Oscar pulled them all the way up. He hugged Maisie with a semi-tight grip and sighed into her hair. Her head was right under his chin and her leg ended up draped over Oscar's waist. She was still sleeping, yes, but she was also still moving. Oscar breathes in her perfume that was still lingering and kissed her head softly, a way to say goodnight without a actually saying it.

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