"Mhmmm..." Max's eye shut back closed as he chose to ignore me. I guess it's time for extreme measures.

Leaving the room, I walked over to Kade's room and when I walked in, I saw that he was getting dressed. Probably to go to work; Kade worked at some IT company.

"Wow, Roman. You didn't even knock and I could have been naked, how rude" he said with a pout and I just shook my head at his dramatics.

"Sorry about that. I need you to wake up Max, he's going to be late for school" I said and Kade nodded. Leaving it to Kade to do the dirty work, I made my way back downstairs only to see that Ceres was gone and her plate was washed and in the drying rack.

Such a thoughtful one. If it was any of my other brothers the sink would be piled with dishes.

I decided to finish cleaning up the pan that I used and once I was done, I turned to leave the kitchen only to be greeted with the sight of Max running away from Kade.

The two had gone by past me so fast that I could feel the slight wind blow past me after them.

"Oh c'mon, Max. Don't you remember? If you don't wake up for school the tickle monster will come and get you. You remember the tickle monster don't you?" Kade asked while inching closer to Max who's face was completely paled.

He tried to run away, he really did. But once Kade sets his sights on a target, he never misses.

"Gotcha!" Kade said as he pounced on Max and started tickling his sides. I never thought I'd live to see the day where Max laughed so hard tears came to his eyes but lo and behold my brother has made the impossible become possible.

"Stop! Stop!" Max yelled through the laughs and Kade just continued his merciless attack.

"You bastard, I said stop!" Max said before kicking Kade where the sun didn't shine. Kade groaned as he fell to the ground in a heap and Max quickly got up and away from Kade.

"You! What the fuck were you thinking sending that lunatic after me?!" Max exclaimed as he came up to me with a cold glare. I simply smiled in the face of his anger.

"I told you to wake up" I said and Max looked like he was ready to explode.

"Uh...." we both turned to see Ceres, dressed and ready, looking at us with her head tilted.

"Ah shit. Now we're really going to be late" Max muttered before dashing up the stairs, leaving just me, Ceres, and Kade who was still on the floor.

"Is he alright?" She asked pointing at the fallen soldier.

"No idea..."

After my two youngest siblings were off to school, courtesy of a sulking Kade, Lance had come down the stairs.

"I heard yelling, was Kade bothering Max again?" He asked as he walked over to the fridge.

"I'm afraid so" I said with an innocent smile and Lance gave me a raised eyebrow but didn't question it any further.

"Did you finish the manuscript for the publisher?" He asked as he took out a water bottle. I nodded my head.

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