Chapter 9: Taking Liones Back

Start from the beginning

Hendrickson power up and the small knives were shot away from his body and he said, "I am invincible!".

Hands made of rock shot out of the ground.

Hendrickson said, "This is...".

Diane shouted, "I don't care if you're invincible or what! I won't be satisfied until I've crushed you!!".

Diane used her ability 'Double Hammer' to crush Hendrickson between 2 fists made of rock.

I heard Hendrickson say "All you've got going for you is size, little girl. This gimmick won't work on me. It won't work... What the?".

Me and Diane then used our combo attack 'Metal Clash' on Hendrickson as he was trapped between the stone fists.

I kicked Hendrickson towards Ban which led to Hendrickson hitting Ban into a wall.

I saw Ban get out of the wall and asked, "Hendy where'd you find that thing?".

Hendrickson asked, "What?".

Ban said, "Now, now. I'm asking where you picked that thing up!!".

I saw Ban beat on Hendrickson with no mercy until he hit Hendrickson through a wall.

Hendrickson got up laughing.

We were all in shock of the Red Demon hanging in the cave.

Hendrickson explained all that he accomplished with the Red Demon.

Hendrickson then shot darkness waves at us but Ban got close enough to Hendrickson and beat him into the ground.

I saw Ban use his weapon to destroy the body of the Red Demon.

Elsewhere Third Person POV

Howzer was on the brink of death as the rest the roars of dawn were dead and Dreyfus escaped.

2 Minutes Later*

Diane POV*

The rumbling started to occur until an explosion befell the area.

King, Gowther, and The Cap'n landed nearby.

I saw Hendrickson walking threw the smoke.

He looked around and the Captain jumped forward to attack him.

We all then tried our own attacks but Hendrickson brushed them off.

Morgana's POV*

All the Holy Knights went in to attack Hendrickson but nothing affected him.

Diane used 'Rising Meteor' to lift Hendrickson into the sky.

King was about to attack but Hendrickson used 'Dark Nebula' to send out a massive concussive blast.

I hit the floor as the others did to.

Elizabeth came over and kneeled by me.

Elizabeth's POV*

Hendrickson threw a ball of Darkness at me and Elizabeth.

Hendrickson said, "There's no one to save you.".

Hawk got in front of the blast and said, "Actually, there is! The great Hawk!".

We all tried to convince Hawk to stop but he didn't move.

Hawk was hit by the ball of Darkness turning his body entirely black killing him.

I got up and walked over to Hawk's body.

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