Liam stared at Niall in shock- he’d never seen Niall like this, so worked up and angry. He looked down to Niall’s fists and they were white from being clenched so hard together, his eyes looked mad and rushed the pupil looking much bigger seeing more black then blue, his once thin jaw line was now clutched and standing out like never before. Niall was always pale but his skin was now blazing hints of red from the blood rushing though his body, his forehead and nose were the worst, they were red with clear veins. Liam was even a little scared that Niall might just explode. He looked to Tiegan. She had stopped shaking, her body was stiff though you could tell from the tension, and they both were eyeing each other- Tiegan almost looking for some sort of forgiveness. She then lowered her head her body softening and looking as if it were numb. Liam thought about saying something, like telling Tiegan to stay or telling Niall to just clam down- but that looked like as if he were siding with Tiegan. Liam was sure as anything mad at Tiegan but he didn’t approach it like Niall did, he obviously wanted to make sure that she was okay; she was his best fr-. Liam stopped to think about what Niall said and it slowly started to sink in that he was right, what kind of best friend would do that? He just sat there silent. Tiegan got the idea, she shakily stood up and walked to the door, “B-Bye” she stammered and walked out, tear stained cheeks which were flushed red, and she knew it was going to be a while until she was forgiven.



The amount of interviews Niall and Liam had done in the space of two weeks was ridiculous Simon even offered to press charges against Danielle for giving out private information to the media but Liam said it wouldn’t be necessary as he reckoned she had suffered enough due to his actions, Liam even drove to her house with flowers and chocolates explaining everything to her and apologizing, of course this was in secret only Niall knew about this and Niall said it was the right thing to do, Niall was still hooked on the anger of Tiegan, at least Liam was trying to make things right all Tiegan was doing was hiding away. Niall wasn’t heartless he didn’t tell the media about Tiegan, Liam had spoken to him the night after everything had happened and they sort of agreed not to, Niall thought it was a bit harsh to but there was something still burning inside of him to seek something…

Zayn had been trying to talk to Tiegan, he knew she was wrong- he was a little mad but he told Liam that he thought she could at least need a friend or someone to talk to now but she would never reply and if she did it was one word answers so Zayn soon gave up, leaving himself feeling slightly heartbroken, he had done nothing wrong and was trying to be there for her but she just wouldn’t let him in. From that point the band were a lot stronger than before- having to protect one another and be there for each other, Louis and Harry and Zayn now often stayed around Liam’s house every night with Niall being there all of the time, day and night living with Liam really. All of the boys having heart to heart’s every night and confessing things they didn’t really know about one another as they kept things bottled up. They’d joke about the way they used to be on the stairs and Louis’ weird out bursts that left them all in fits of laughter.

Harry chuckled and lent back into Louis who rubbed his arm lightly, Zayn had his knees to his chest laughing hard while resting his head on his knees while Niall was lying on the floor with his head on Liam’s lap laughing and Liam was chuckling too. “I remember that!” Liam stated laughing a little harder all of the boys looking like them little bobble head toys as they couldn’t stop laughing. Liam now let his hand set in Niall’s blonde tips, Niall was growing his hair out letting the brown show more, the look looked great on him, and Liam was twiddling the locks around in his fingertips until there was a phone call made to Louis- it was Simon. All of the boys were silent, it was like a curse that when Simon rang they instantly thought they did something wrong. Like when your parents call you and they shout- even if you know you’ve done nothing wrong you still start to question your events. Louis picked up and everybody was hushed. “Hello?” He asked, Louis was always the one called first- as he was the eldest. “Is Liam and Niall with you? Put me onto Liam first” Simon knew the boys to well to know that they were all together Louis nodded and handed the phone to Liam; Liam took the phone and chewed his lip, “Yeah?” He asked down the phone Niall now sitting up and pressing his ear to the phone too, Liam didn’t mind. “Tiegan just came forth to me today, she wrote an article on you and Niall- explaining how this was all her fault and she should take the blame and take the heat off of you guys.” Liam then put the phone on loud speaker, “Why would she do that?” Liam asked, all of the boys inched closer to the phone, “Me and Niall are fine now- sure I won’t be looked at the same again but the hate has died down about 90%” Liam said confused. “Ask her yourself” Simon told them, Zayn perked up, “What she’s there right now?” Simon chuckled, “I’m on loud speaker aren’t I?” All of the boys nodded in unison and said yeah or yep. Simon chuckled lightly, “Yeah she is Zayn”. “Publish it” Niall said bluntly, everybody turned to him looking at him confused, “She wants it published so be it” he shrugged, Liam asked to put Tiegan on and handed to phone to Zayn telling him to go into the kitchen or something, Liam turned to Niall and cupped his cheeks, “Niall… We can’t let her do that…” He whispered rubbing his thumb over his slender cheeks, Niall pulled away but took Liam’s hands into his own, linking their fingers together, “She wants to Liam, and I wanna get justice.” Niall said leaning his head to Liam’s. Louis and Harry kept quiet the whole time not wanting to say or do anything.

Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&NiallHoran} Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin