Shhh... Dont Tell Them

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Part 6

Liam’s {P.O.V}

I was speechless, was I supposed to lie to him or tell him the truth… That we nearly kissed or should I lie and say I can’t remember either… Thoughts were swimming through my head like an ocean until I head Niall sob again. I took his hands and decided it was wrong to lie to him. I mean his like my best friend; he’d understand it was a drunken moment. I put on a smile but effective smile and started with “Well…” as soon as I said one word my mouth went dry… The words “Drunken Moment” kept playing around in my head… I wanted to protest with the facts that it wasn’t a drunken moment but in all facts it must have been…

“Niall…” There was no smile on my face this time I depressed myself with my own thoughts he looked at me with curiosity and wonder. I sighed and carried on with the truth. “Well you know when Louis got us those drinks and then I kind of lost everybody?” I half chuckled out the last part and he nodded with a small smile on his face. “Well, I went on a Direction hunt to see if I could I find one of you lot” I was laughing a bit now “Then I saw you and was happy I found somebody so I wasn’t on my own.” I paused for a second so he was taking this all in. “And then what?” He asked so innocently… He really didn’t remember my heart broke into tiny little pieces but I put them back together again in a few seconds as I couldn’t show him what I felt. He would think I’m an idiot.

I wanted to break down then and there but I couldn’t I just couldn’t. I placed my other hand on his and looked him in the eye. “Then we got home, I don’t know how in one piece but we did” I chuckled out as I felt my eyes watering up… No Liam… You can’t cry you just can’t. I took in a deep breath then felt soft arms pull me into a hug and words of encouragement. “Hey, Liam it’s okay don’t cry- look you can tell me later if something bad happened…” his voice was full of worry and regret… What an idiot I am…

{Niall P.O.V}

Something MUST have happened before he reached me… His wreck! I swear if anybody hurt him I will hurt them. Don’t jump to conclusions Niall… I felt him sobbing into my shoulder and I felt so mad and scared for him, all I wanted to know is if he remembered us nearly kissing now I feel like a jerk… A few more sobs in my shoulder and he removed his head from my shoulder and looked at me and he bit his lip and looked down. My heart ached for him so badly…

{Liam’s P.O.V}

I got up and started to smack my head, “Stupid-stupid, stupid” I said each time I wacked my forehead harder every time with every word. Niall shot up straight for me and moved me to the sofa and sat me down, he kneeled between my legs and took both my hands. “Liam, please tell me what’s wrong” I couldn’t choke out the words I just kept on getting more upset every time I thought about it. Tears fell freely from my face and Niall started to wipe them away with his own hands, telling me that it’s okay. But the thing is it wasn’t… How could one night get me so worked up over him? I suddenly felt warm sweet breath around my check I felt him kiss away a single tear of mine and I stopped sobbing and looked at him.

He lent back a bit and our noses brushed sending my heart pulse 100mph. He looked back at me the same way I looked at him the other night; I felt his hand move to my thigh. I looked down as I felt his touch and then as soon as I looked up his lips touched mine. It was incredible it felt so right, it was so perfect. Our lips just fitted together and I know that sound so cliché but it’s true, he was sending fireworks around me my hand found its self to Naill’s hair and I gently started running my hand through the back of his head.

Every ounce of worry I had left me, it was just me and him I felt my self be pushed a little and I let him take the lead. He pushed gently on my chest and I lay back on the sofa while we made out for what only felt like 20seconds but in reality it was like five minutes.

We both pulled back breathing deeply but before I could say anything his lips, his ever so soft lips pushed against mine one last time before it was truly finished. The feel of his lips still lingered on mine and I sat back up again, our eyes locked on each other.

“Niall I-” I was cut off by the man himself he rested his arms on my shoulders and spoke so softly “Liam… I-… I’ve liked you for… For a long time now” he looked down as soon as he said it, as if it were something to be ashamed of. “Niall” I breathed out I picked up his chin and kissed his lips again to prove my feelings for him. After the kiss ended I didn’t give him a chance to speak.

“Niall, I feel the same way” I lean my forehead on his whiles his arms are still wrapped around my neck and keep my eyes closed. We stayed like this for a while until we heard the key in the door, my eyes shot open and I started to panic. Do we tell the boys? Or do we keep it a secret? “Niall” I rushed out, but then I realized were not together… Well not officially we haven’t put a label on it… We just kissed. But oh how I wish it was more. He just nodded as he knew what I was thinking and put a zipper sign to his lips. “Our secret” he whispered. I nodded and smiled and pecked him on the lips one last time before I heard the door fully open.

“HORAN, PAYNE HELP THESE’S BAGS ARE GOING TO SPLIT!” Zayn shouted as he was clearly struggling to pull the 50bags on each arm in, I rolled my eyes and shock my head. Louis always goes over the top. I look to Niall and smiled I pulled him under my arm and we walked downstairs and got the bags.”


“Awee sweet cheeks don’t get jealous” Louis said pulling Harrys cheeks “You know I love you the most” he grinned out but Harry was still pissed. “Whatever… Leave me alone” He turned around and winked at me. Man they drive each other insane, I smiled across the room at Niall, he knew exactly what I was thinking and walked over and sat on the sofa while I sat on the arm of the sofa and I started to rub his back.

“Great!” Zayn threw his arms up in the air “Everyone has a bromance apart from me” he huffed and folded his arms “Dude you have the mirror” Louis laughed out and I started to laugh too, if only they knew. I smiled down at Niall and he leant on my side as I put my arm fully around him, this is a perfect time to be real with Niall but fooling the boys. “Niall is to darn sexy to not love” I winked at him and Louis huffed at Harry. “You never tell me cute things like that” he now looked away from Harry “I think we need a break” He said and huffed more like a girl. All this did was make me and Niall laugh and Harry give into Louis.

Harry started to tug on Louis shirt “Louis my sexy boy please talk to me” he tried to sound so serious but he couldn’t help but laugh which made Louis laugh too. This could actually work I thought to myself. Niall stood up and went to walk out the room “Hey where you going?” I said a little worried. He smiled big like he was 5years old and had just been told he was going to Disney Land. “Food, I’m hungry” he smiled and all of the other boys rolled their eyes. “Okay I’ll come with I’m a bit peckish myself” I smiled, and got up and followed him.

We got into the kitchen and he hopped up onto the counter “I thought you were hungry” I laughed he nodded and signalled me to come closer, I moved closer and he put a puppy dog face on and said “Pwetty, pwetty PWEASSE can MY Liam pooh make me a chicken sandwich” he battered his eye lashes like a girl and I was a bit taken back. MY Liam. He said I was his; I smiled and decided to wind him up with his. “Your Liam huh?” I smiled and leant on the counter by him. He blushed a shade of pink and nodded and whispered/mumbled looking down at the floor while he fiddled with his feet “Only if you want to” he looked up and smiled

“Only if he wants to what?” Harry stood behind me and put an arm on my shoulder I froze up I didn’t know what to say, I went stiff but I knew I had to say something Niall looked like he’d just seen a ghost. “I asked him if he wanted me to make him a sandwich as when you left we did hand wrestling and I hurt his hand and now I feel bad, isn’t that right?” I smiled as now he looks like an idiot as I defeated him in something that never happened.

He defended himself though “No he didn’t, I won!” he stuck his tongue out at me and Harry started to laugh, “Will you make me a turkey sandwich Liam please?” Harry said, I rolled my eyes and made them both a sandwich, every now and then catching Niall looking at me which made me smile.

Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&NiallHoran} Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum