Two Different Worlds Collide

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Part 29

{Nobody’s P.O.V}

Zayn dropped Niall and Liam off at the hotel saying their goodbye until tomorrow, the party! Zayn was so excited for it, knowing that all his family and close friends would be there, and Tiegan would be there. Now, Zayn is far from the type to fall head over heels for a girl in an instant but there is just something about Tiegan that he loves so much, maybe it’s the fact that she actually listens to him when he wants to talk, or the way that she tries to keep it cool around him and then fails but he doesn’t care because he thinks that maybe this could go somewhere. Zayn decided that before he went home he’d take a little trip to the local park by them, by it being local they could just go there without any pap’s or anything. Zayn opened the door for Tiegan and she got out gracefully, Zayn smiled as she thanked him while blushing and as he closed the door he linked his fingers with Tiegan’s, quick on this step to link his fingers with hers. Tiegan just smiled and leant in closer to him, her shoulders fitting nicely under her own. Zayn then picked up the pace and took her over to the swings. They both sat down and started to swing, Zayn not being much of a talker and Tiegan being the biggest chatterbox going made it even more right for them to be together because opposites attract right? So the saying goes. They just swung back and forth for a little while, taking in the moment that they were having, funnily enough it was Zayn who broke the silence.

“You know Tiegan… I’ve been looking… looking so forward to meeting you” he said coming to a slow stop facing Tiegan as she started to slow down to. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you to Zayn I mean because of Liam I have already been introduced to Niall a while ago but I really wish we had the chance to meet sooner you know…” she started to smirk. “But why rush when we have all the time in the world” Zayn grinned out. “You’re so cheesy” Tiegan smiled back.

For two hours the pair just talked about Zayn’s party the next day, getting to know each other better and Zayn suggesting that Tiegan should come on the next tour then them both laughing for ages afterwards because of the reaction they’d get from Liam. “I think we should be heading back now, I think my mum might start to worry” Zayn smiled at Tiegan which made her blush a little bit “You know that colour looks good on you” she continued to grin at her more which only made her pink cheeks turn a darker red. Zayn took her hand and lead her back to the car; they listened to a bit of Kelly Clarkson, some All Time Low and ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. They both belted out the song on the way to Zayn’s house laughing at each other as the car came to a stop. As the car came to a stop it was almost like their personal time together had stopped, Zayn just stayed in the car, his hands still on the steering wheel. Tiegan didn’t move either, feeling the same as Zayn. Then you saw the whole of Zayn family rush out the door, Zayn slumped back in his seat and covered his eyes, “Oh dear god…” he moaned as he banged his head back on the car seat. Tiegan just smiled back at all of the loving faces smiling at her, “I guess I should umm… Confess that they ehh… know a bit… well a lot about you” he said scratching his head now looking at Tiegan. Tiegan just smiled as the door flung open and was greeted with open arms into the house.


“Yes ma’ I’m doing it now!” Zayn rolled his eyes at his mum as she ordered him to go and help Tiegan with her bags, Tiegan was already out the front trying to get as many bags as possible on her arms to take to the room she was going to be staying in. Zayn rushed out and took more than half of the bags off of her with ease “Are you trying to hurt yourself?” he laughed in response Tiegan just huffed at him “Hey I’m only trying to help” he smiled, Tiegan took her hand bag and her dress and that’s all she was allowed to carry according to Zayn. They both made their way to what was going to be Tiegan’s room for the time that she is staying there and Zayn put her bags down on the silk cream coloured double bed. It was beautiful to say the least, it was a double bed with posts all around the sides with netting curtains around the whole of the bed, they were pinned up at the moment but if Tiegan wished to have them down at night as she was allowed to, if you sat on the bed facing the wall above the TV there was beautiful Arabic writing on the wall, Tiegan was too shy to ask Zayn what it was but he saw what she was looking at “It means sweet dreams” he smiled at her and put her bags on the bed and started to unzip them, seeing her tops he took them out and put them in the spare draws, he then got all of her jeans and leggings, skirts and what not.  “How long are you planning to stay for?” he laughed at her “Well you never know the weather so it’d good to be prepared!” she grinned back at him she said walking to the wardrobe putting up her dress which was in its black zipper bag which looked like one of them things you put dead bodies in.

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