Awkward Romance

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Part 18

I looked at him stunned for a while, our secret? Our secret… We’d muck about I mean… It’s not anything serious… right?.... I studied his face for a while, to see if he was just playing a trick on me… But he wasn’t, his face was dead serious. I’m not one to roll the dice and to take chances but something drew me towards this… It was the wanting and needing of Niall, his company his… His everything. Was I about to make a mistake? Or not? “Niall…” he looked straight into my eyes and took in a shaky breath and nodded at me I closed my eyes and leaned in, kissing him again. He just takes over me, I don’t know what it is or what he does but I just can’t help myself. I lay back on the ground while he climbed right back on top of me, kissing me so passionately so lovingly so wanting. It wasn’t like any other kiss I’d had before, I opened my mouth at the slightest to take a breath but Niall’s tongue poked right in there making me breath through my nose, his body became a lot closer to mine, his stomach was now pressed onto mine, his legs shared themselves between my own, I reached up to run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair. He then gave into the kiss and we broke apart, he pulled away looking deep into my eyes then smiled an amazing smile at me I couldn’t help but smile back, he then laid flat down on top of me on the floor, his hair was brushing my chin slightly as he shifted his head to get comfy on to me. He ended up snuggling the tip of his cold nose into the crook of my neck; I could feel his easy breathing on my skin, crawling on me almost.

This was nice, it felt so right. But yet again so wrong. I just wanted to hug him, to hold him. Right now he was all I cared about. This moment was beyond amazing, it was perfect.


Oh Niall, his silly attitude never fails to make me laugh, being left alone for the day gives us a chance to be together still “Nialler get over here a minuet” I smiled at him and held my arms out in the hair dangling, he then came over to me and caved into my big bear hug. He sighed lightly and smiled “4months tomorrow” I smiled and pulled back, just the other day I took Danielle out for our 4month anniversary, something I should also mention. Me and Danielle are public now, and Niall and Harry broke up after Harry found out that his true feelings were towards Louis. Harry was heartbroken for a while as he broke up with Niall to be in love with a straight guy, Louis understood Harry but it was weird for a few weeks, they wouldn’t be as lovey dovey as they were as Louis is 100% straight and is still going out with his girlfriend, but now Louis understands and it’s all good again, they make it work as best friends. “You better not make any plans tomorrow” I smiled and kissed his lips. I can’t believe how much this has… Like worked. I wouldn’t have expected it to have worked so well in all my life.

He grinned at me and kissed me back “I wouldn’t dream of it” he smiled and headed off to the bathroom. I smiled and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was a message from Danielle.

Hey baby, I know you said you have plans tomorrow and I decided to go to Paris early then but before I go I thought we could go on a double date tonight, you don’t need to know who we’re going with because you know them both and I want there to be a surprise :’} okay I love you so much Li,

~Your Dannieeee xoxoxoxox

I slightly frowned at the text… I can’t believe what I put her through… She just brings a whole new side out to me though, I mean… I have told her Niall and I kiss and that we’re friends with benefits but she takes it as a joke, she thinks it’s all for the whole Niam act. So I haven’t really… Lied to her in that sense. I smiled and texted her back;

Hello beautiful, ofc that’s okay I’m going to miss you so much; tell me what time you’re ready and I’ll come pick you up okay beautiful? I love you too and don’t be too long (; Lili xxxx

I sent the text and chucked my phone on the sofa and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath in and then as soon as my eyes fluttered open I saw Niall standing there, nearly nose to nose. I smiled and stretched my arms groaning in the process of doing so. He smiled and took the space next to me that was free and slightly laid across my chest and sighed. “Have you got any plans today?” he asked now taking my hand and playing with my fingers while he awaited my response, he arm was placed around his chest so my hand was in reach for him to take. I nodded “It’s Danni’s last day here an-” he cut me off with a small sigh and he looked down. “You know…” he took a deep breath in and sighed heavily, “Sometimes I wish I could just have you all to myself… L-like it used to be…” I swear I could see his eyes start to well-up. It made me so sad to see him like this at times. I heard his phone vibrate and he pulled it out and looked concerned at the text, “Uhh… umm… Liam?” he asked still looking confused my eye brows knitted themselves together “What’s the matter Nialler?” he looked at me and shock his head, “Nothing, don’t worry I’m fine” he smiled at me. I trusted his word on it and just kissed the top of his head “I love you Niall, I truly do.”


I smiled as I walked into the restaurant in my black tuck-suit and sat down at the table ordered under Danielle’s last name. I walked over and took a seat on the double set table for four seats. I sat their nervously as I waited about 5minuets before I saw Danielle and Holly walk in. I smiled and leant over and kissed Danielle’s and Holly’s hand before I pulled a seat out for the both of them to sit down, “So where’s your date Hols?” I asked her as she set a napkin on her lap, “I thought he was coming with you Liam?” she asked looking a bit concerned “Wait why would he be coming with me-” before I could finish my sentence I saw Niall walk in, in a similar tuck’s to me and he stopped dead in his tracks once he saw me.

I think I may have even stopped breathing I mean… Sure I’m doing the same thing to him, just with Danielle b-but his gay… And… And he knows the situation I’m in, I mean… I’m sure his gay all of the lads know that, and only the lads. But... but Holly? I think my heart just broke in two… But… Liam you’re doing the same to Niall, now you know how it feels Liam… Now you know. He started to walk again and sat next to me, he smiled a fake smile at me which hurt me a little but I guess he was still trying to wrap his head around the situation. “Hey Nialler” both of the girls said in unison he smiled and said hello to the both of them. I didn’t say a word for about half an hour, the only words I spoke were was my order of food. “Liam are you okay?” Danielle whispered to me from across the table, I nodded slowly and forced a small smile at her “Just tired I guess…” I looked down and the back at her, she smiled and took my hand in hers and started to rub it slowly. She looked at me with so much love and lust in her eyes, and I was playing her like a puppet. She pulled her hand away and the three of them started to talk while I looked at them mindlessly trying to figure out my emotions in my head. “Me and Holly will be right back Liam, just going to the bathroom” she smiled and left with Holly. I dug my head in my arms on the table, I felt Niall’s hand on my back and I looked up in an instant.

“Why didn't you tell me Niall…” I tried to sound normal but my voice broke, I swear I am such a girl at times, Niall looked down awkwardly and fiddled with his fingers trying to figure out what to say, “I… I just wanted you to know how it feels…” he looked down ashamed of using someone to get a point through… To me… I felt so bad, “Niall it hurt me so much to see you walk through that door.” I admitted looking at him while his head still hung low, he then looked up and smiled a small sweet smile at me, “Liam, I love you. And only you I know you’re finding it hard to figure out what you want but I want you to know that I love you so much, and I hate to do this to you more than anything but… but you need to pick… Me or her… not now but when you go back to Wolverhampton in two days I want you to think about it then when you come back, a week after that once you’ve seen Danielle and I, I want you to tell me…” he looked down again, he looked as if he were going to cry again, but I wouldn’t let that happen I just pulled him into a huge hug and kissed the top of his head. Part of my heart rotted. I am a rotten person, you’re chasing two people and you can’t decide on which one to keep, are you that selfish and darn right rotten Liam!? This could not get more awkward…


Niall and I dropped Holly and Danielle off at their hotel, Niall gave Holly a short kiss on the cheek goodbye and I hugged and kissed the brim of Danielle’s nose. We parted are ways and Niall and myself made our way to Louis’ car. We hopped in but I didn’t start the car just yet as I knew we needed to talk… To talk about us and where this was going, and if it was going anywhere…

Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&NiallHoran} Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ