fresh eyes, opening heart

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Part 39

{Louis’ P.O.V}

As the day went past Harry and I were stuck like glue, through choice. We did everything together, we went out to the local shops, got bombarded by a lot of fans but we didn’t care. We were more than happy to take pictures with them and they’d scream out ‘Larry is real’ and whatnot. Admittedly, it felt good. It felt good to be told that we were together, it made me smile. Made my heart warm. It just made me feel like I was insane and on cloud nine. I had my hand around him constantly and mine around him to. We went to an ice-cream parlour and got as much as we wanted, getting a few tubs to bring home of ice cream you wouldn’t usually have, like Nutella, Kinder egg ice cream and much more that the other lads would enjoy to. In our cones I had vanilla and a scoop of Cherry blitz with it all smothered in chocolate sauce. In Harrys was pistachio with some mango sorbet and sprinkles. We looked like pigs. But we didn’t give a shit, it was our day out together and nothing would ruin it.

Once we were home, well at Liam’s apartment, we all lived there now really. Maybe I should have a sit down with the lads about getting just one big place for us all to live. It would be so much better, more living space. Instead of squeezing into one apartment. Me and Harry walked in to gain questionable looks from the other lads all sitting on the sofa’s watching something, “So I hear that Larry went out today on a date” Zayn snickered with a smirk playing on his plump lips. I just smirked back and winked, wrapping an arm around Harry’s side, “You’re just jealous” I giggled and felt Harry move his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him from the side as we grinned like a pair of idiots. “We got ice-cream” Harry announced with a massive grin still on his lips with his perfect dimples caving into his face. Okay, maybe I’m paying too much detail to him now. Niall shot up like a rocket and ran to the bags in mine and Harrys arms “Oh my god I love you guys!” He sung rummaging through the bags getting out all of the tubs with a look of hunger in his eyes “Oh my god you went to Joey’s Ice-cream parlour, I fucking love you guys!” He said pulling us both into a hug while we chuckled lightly. I made eye contact with Liam and gave him a knowing nod to let him know that I wanted to speak to him later, I needed to sort my head out and he just nodded back getting up and walking to his bedroom letting me know to follow. Zayn groaned getting up “we don’t have a movie though!” he pouted and Niall pulled away grinning, “I’ll go out and get one, I’ve been stuck in here all day!” He giggled dizzily like a child, “I’ll come with then” Zayn said with a smile, “Cool then I’ll just go and speak to Liam about something for a bit, Haz are you alright making a fort and everything by yourself?” I asked and had a wicked cheeky thought I leaned in and whispered into his ear “I promise I’ll make it up to you” I said rubbing his hip softly, he pulled back nodding fast and pulling away, I giggled and walked off to Liam’s bedroom, Harry put everything in the fridge and Niall and Zayn walked out of the door together. I sighed lightly with a light knock to Liam’s door. “Here goes nothing” I whispered before I entered.

{Nobody’s P.O.V}

Niall and Zayn skipped out of the doors, Niall gasped in relief “fresh air!” he giggled spinning around in the nights air to which Niall rolled his eyes, “I wonder how Liam can stand you sometimes you bloody goon” he chuckled and pulled Niall closer to him as he was now distributing the pathway for people to walk as of his childish actions. “You’re acting like we’ve locked you in a freaking cage for a year Nialler calm down.” Zayn tusked at Niall who just poked his tongue out and dragged Zayn into blockbusters. Zayn took one isle while Niall took the other giddily just looking around aimlessly looking for a good cover; he danced around until he turned around and froze seeing a girl, seeing the reason for everything happening. There in the second isle among many stood Tiegan. She looked a wreck to say the least but she did something different with her hair, she got it permanently straightened. Wearing some light brown creamy uggs with some leggings on and an oversized jumper; the nail of her thumb in her mouth as she looked through the stands to find a DVD.

Niall swallowed hard knowing that his punishment for Tiegan was harsh, he had seen the change in both Liam and most of all Zayn. Zayn played no part in this love fest, the only love he carried was for Tiegan and she blocked him out of her life to prevent Niall and her meeting. Niall closed his eyes and groaned lightly not liking what he was about to do but he slowly moved forward to come next to Tiegan, “Erm Hi” he whispered scratching the back of his head lightly, Tiegan turned around with wide eyes and shock running through her body, “i-i-I I’ll go” she hurried out of her mouth as she shook a little, “You’re shaking like a leaf Tiegan calm down” Niall said in a soft tone and a sigh, “I’m sorry”. Niall knew he should be the bigger person and sighed in a sorry soft tone, “I was mad and I shouldn’t have told you to stay away from your best friend until his birthday the was out of order of me to say so, but as much as Liam misses you I think somebody misses you just a little more.” Niall said in a gentle and an honest tone. Seeing Tiegan’s eyes tear up knowing who he was talking about made him pull her into a hug while she sobbed lightly into his shoulder while Niall soothed her by hushing her lightly and rubbing her back, “Zayn doesn’t know what his done wrong, he’s been heartbroken for ages and he thinks it’s something he did, but you and I both know it’s my fault.” Niall told her knowing he was at fault here as to why one of his best friends was in so much agony.

Tiegan nodded into his arms and pulled away sniffing, kissing his cheek softly before whispering a thank you. Niall smiled and wiped her tears away “come on you look like a clown” he chuckled lightly getting rid of all of her make-up, her natural beauty. He smiled once she was all clean, just a little red and puffy. “We’re having a movie night tonight, ice-cream and cuddles, Zayn will be all alone. I think he needs somebody to cuddle, how about you come and be his cuddle buddy? I’m sure Liam will be more than happy to see you too” Niall said feeling good inside. He felt good about this; his hate for her had left his system as he knew it would make his band mate happy, he knew Zayn missed her. It was a good deed what he had done. Tiegan smiled and nodded frantically “Yes please Niall I’d love to be.” She said with a sniff. He smiled and spun her around seeing Zayn in the corner of His eye I knew he was at the end of the isle, “go sort the love sick puppy out, his most likely picking out depressing films” Niall giggled lightly and saw a smile on Tiegan’s face. She pulled away from Niall and ran up to Zayn shouting his name to get his attention. Once he saw her you could tell in his eyes that he was melting inside seeing her like that; tears brimming in his eyes as he held out his arms for her and pulled her into him as he pressed his lips to hers early yet lovingly. Missing her touch and feel. While Niall stood at the other end of the isle just watching them and smiling feeling good inside. Things were improving.

Once the pair of them were finished with their kissing fest Niall walked over to them with a smile, but even so Zayn looked worried but Tiegan just giggled and ran up to Niall hugging him. Niall held her close as he walked with her hugging him. Zayn was gob founded to say the least; his jaw was so low he could catch flies. Tiegan and Niall both chuckled lightly and Tiegan closed Zayn’s jaw and kissed his chin softly. Tiegan did the honours of filling in Zayn on what just happened and Zayn was surprised but glad to say the least. He couldn’t stop thanking Niall but Niall insisted his thanks weren’t needed as the whole reason the pair were not together was because of him.

{Louis’s P.O.V}

I walked into Liam’s bedroom and locked the door behind him. Letting Liam know that this was a serious issue that I needed to discuss. Liam moved over on the bed patting it down for me to come and sit on next to him, “what’s the matter Lou?” Liam asked but then added “I think I have an idea of what you want to talk to me about” he asked softly, “not that long ago Harry came to me for the same thing” Liam said remembering. To which I just nodded softly, a small tear slipping and curving over my cheek as I moved closer into him. He already knew I was questioning my heart. Liam just pulled me into his arms softly playing with my hair to soothe me as he knew it does.

We talked for what seemed like forever, he was asking me about my feelings in different situations and by the end of it we came to the conclusion of what I knew was true. That I was undoubtedly in love with Harry. No matter how much I could try to deny it they were the facts. But it wasn’t a bad thing, it make me feel so much better to know now, now that my head was all clear and sorted out. Liam left the room while I dialled Eleanor’s phone number sighing and biting my lip, once she picked up I explained to her that this was no longer love, I didn’t feel the sparks I used to around her, it wasn’t the same anymore. That I loved Harry. She just scoffed and didn’t seem the phased by it. She told me to go fuck myself and hung up. “Well that went well…” I whispered to myself rubbing my face before standing up but as I did I heard the door open and I smiled knowing that we could now just chill and watch a movie. That was until I heard Harry drop some plates and Liam gasping along with Harry.

Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&NiallHoran} Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن