All Nighter?

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Part 26

{Liam’s P.O.V}

A few hours after Tiegan was done with me she had to leave to sort out her own outfit, every day for the past week her and Zayn have been texting each other constantly. It’s actually kind of cute because I already know Tiegan has the biggest crush on Zayn and Zayn isn’t the type to just get a girls number and text her 24/7. I smiled to myself watching the scene around me on the dinner table I was quiet just munching away on my roast dinner. All I could hear was my thoughts and the occasional rupture of laughter from Niall and my family. They were passing each other food from across the table. Niall was sitting next to me and he gave me a cheeky wink when I made eye contact with him. I smiled and dug my fork in the last roast potato in front of me on my plate. Just relaxing and watching what was going on around me.

“So will you?” Niall nudged me in the side awaiting an answer to a question I completely missed.

I hummed questionably because I didn’t catch the question being asked, he just smiled and rubbed my shoulder, his grin growing bigger.

“You’re ma asked if it’s okay if we quickly go to the shop to get something’s for tomorrow’s breakfast because we’re leaving at 6am.” I nodded and quickly finished what I was eating and took it to the sink, as did Niall.

“Boys don’t worry about washing them just rinse them would you though and I’ll clean them up!” my mum half shouted from the dining area. I took Niall’s plate out of his hand and began to wash them up; ignoring what my mum told me.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind and then Niall’s head rested on my shoulder, I could tell he was on his top toes to get to that height. I smiled and carried on washing them up. “Liam?” asked Niall I nodded in response still washing up. “I love you” he whispered and then nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I smiled a very cheesy smile and then started to wash up my own plate. “I love you to Niall.” He started to kiss my neck slowly and I bit my lower lip while washing up, if anyone of my family members walk in now we have a lot of explaining to do. I finished washing up and managed to swerve around in Niall’s arms, facing him and so he still had his slender arms around me. His smile was amazing; I could look at it all day it made me feel so much better when seeing it. He then stood on both of his feet again so he wasn’t trying to overtake my height.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. We pulled away not quickly but quick enough encase we got caught. I reached over the side still in his arms to get the keys. I smiled and cupped his cheek with my hand and run over the shape of his cheek with my thumb. He smiled and then we pulled away and waved goodbye to my family before heading out into the car. Luckily for me where I live near enough everybody knows each other so I could just walk out the house or into a close by shop and still be treated like normal Liam. Me and Niall got into the car and made our way to the corner shop. On the way there listening to Michael Bublé I just haven’t met you yet. I smiled singing along to the song, as did Niall. We pulled up and hopped out, Niall not knowing where to go or what to get followed me around like a little lost puppy. I smiled and lung my arm over him pulling him close to me. He picked up a basket and I began chucking what we needed to stock up on in the basket. I smiled as Niall was near enough drooling over the food being put in the basket. “Are me and you doing an all-nighter Niall? And sleeping on the train or having an early one?” I asked as I debated on whether to buy some junk food for tonight. “All-nighter!” he smiled and I grinned chucking the sweets and other crap into the basket. “Should’ve known” I laughed as we got to the till. I smiled over at him as I saw him packing everything up in the bags I thanked the girl behind the counter and took our shopping to the back seats of the car. “Hey Niall, want to take a little trip?” I smiled. He looked at me with confusion but there was a glint in his eye that said it all, I got out my phone and told my mum we’re going to be a while longer and then started the car. I drove us up to a place where I used to go when I was 14. Just before the first time I auditioned for the X-Factor. I used to walk up here when I needed to clear my mind. I pulled about 3/4 of the way and Niall hopped out to not too sure where I was going. I reached my hand out for him and he took it vulnerably. We hiked up the hill, it wasn’t steep but it was still a trek. I smiled as we got to the top. I walked over to the familiar tree with the swing attached onto it.

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