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"Yah Yuna!" Yeji shouted across the room as she was chasing her daughter. This was the first time Yeji has been mad to Yuna. Well Lia went out today just to get some things fixed with Ryujin since Ryujin will be staying at Yeji's house too after the two get married.

"Come back here!" Yeji shouted but still Yuna ran around until Yeji got tired.

Yuna meronged to her mother and Yeji was in shock, her blood was boiling. She can't believe that her five year old daughter would be this naughty. She started chasing Yuna again.

Suddenly someone opened the door.

"Yeji-yah! I'm back!" Lia shouted then she was greeted by a running Yuna. Yuna jumped towards Lia, Lia was glad that she was able to catch her.

Yeji was panting really hard that she can barely breathe.

"Omo, what's wrong?" Lia asked Yeji and then Yeji pointed to Yuna.

"Aish, Yuna I told you to behave while I'm gone, even though I'm going to be your mom too you still have to take care of your Yeji eomma" Lia said as she kissed Yuna's cheek and put Yuna down.

"I'm sorry love, Ryujin quite have a hard time in getting her things" Lia said as she kissed Yeji and put down her bag.

"Your sweating a lot! Go get change" Lia scolded Yeji. Yeji then just pouted and went to her room to change her clothes.

"Yuna and Ryujin you guys stay at your rooms first okay?" Lia told them.

"But I don't want too!" Yuna whined.

"Don't be so stubborn Yuna, fine just play at the living room" Lia said as she went to her room first and changed her clothes and went back down with the kids. All of them were at the living room now.

"Lia unnie" Ryujin called out her sister

"What happens to me when you marry Yeji unnie? Will I be a sister of Yuna?" Ryujin suddenly asked. Lia then carried Ryujin and let her sit at her lap facing her.

"Yes Ryujin but its okay if you don't want to be sisters with Yuna, we can work on that" Lia said and hugged her sister who was about to cry.

"Why are you crying Ryujin?" Yeji asked who was beside them.

"I don't want to be sisters with Yuna!" Ryujin said as she was crying. Yuna was shocked to here about it.

"Why don't you want to be her sister?" Lia asked her sister.

"Coz, just because" Ryujin can't explain surely Lia knows why.

"Come on, you need to rest first" Lia said and carried her sister to her room to let her sleep.

"Sleep first Ryujin okay? We can talk about this tomorrow" Lia said and kissed her sisters forehead. Lia then went back to the living room.

"What's wrong eomma? Why doesn't Ryujin want to be my sister?" Yuna was crying as she was talking to Yeji. Lia sat beside them.

"You know Yuna, I know that you love Ryujin, but Ryujin loves you too but its somewhat of a different way of love" Lia said as she placed Yuna in her lap.  She started caressing the little girls hair.

"But why?" Yuna asked still crying.

"You'll know when you grow up Yuna, don't worry we can fix this" Lia said as she still keeps on caressing Yuna's hair and she kissed her forehead. She tried to put her to sleep.

Yeji watched in awe on how just perfect Lia can be as a mom. Yeji is so lucky to have Lia.

"You okay now?" Yeji asked her daughter. Yuna only nodded.

"Come on, I'll bring you to your room" Yeji said as she took Yuna from Lia's arms and brought her to her room as well. Yeji placed her on the bed and tucked her in.

"I know its hard for you Yuna, but you don't have to worry okay? Me and your Lia eomma will fix this" Yeji said and kissed Yuna's forehead as she fell asleep.

Yeji then came back to the living room, she saw Lia looking worried.

"Why Lia?" Yeji then sat beside her fiancé.

"I don't know I think I'm nervous or something" Lia said as she was fiddling with her fingers.

"Hey calm down, its gonna be okay" Yeji said and hugged the younger.

Lia sighed and just watched what was playing on the tv.

"You know Lia, I'm excited, how about you?" Yeji asked

"Of course I am, why won't I?" Lia said and chuckled.

"You sure you can fix the problem of those two little girls?" Yeji asked

"I don't know, there's something up with Ryujin that I'm still trying to figure out" Lia said

"Hey we can do this okay? Just trust in yourself Lia" Yeji said and caressed Lia's hair.

"Yeah but I think why Ryujin is acting that way" Lia said

"Why what is the problem with Ryujin?" Yeji asked

"I think she likes Yuna" Lia said

"What do you mean LIKE?" Yeji asked confused

"I mean as in LIKE like, I think she has a crush on Yuna that's why she doesn't want to be her sister" Lia said

"Oh, that's why. Well we can fix that out anyways"  Yeji said as she smiled

"But how? Yuna is your daughter and Ryujin is my sister. One more thing we're getting married, isn't that illegal?" Lia asked worriedly.

"Hey just trust me okay? This can be alright. Anyways, Yuna and Ryujin aren't blood related or cousins or whatsoever so its fine" Yeji said making Lia more comfortable about the situation.

"Also one more thing Yeji" Lia said and Yeji looked at her.

"Seulgi unnie said she was calling you a while ago but you weren't answering" Lia said as she now sit properly

Yeji then remembered that Seulgi was asking about the preparations for the wedding.

"Oh shit" Yeji can just swear upon remembering it. Suddenly someone barged inside Yeji's house.

"Yah! Yeji!" Seulgi shouted even tho she was with Irene and Yeri.

"You can keep it down eomma" Yeri said and rolled her eyes. We can say that Yeri has some kind of attitude.

"Oh Unnie hehe sorry, Yuna was being naughty a while ago so I had to put her to sleep" Yeji said and scratched her head.

"Aish, no time for that, we'll talk about it now at the dining room" Seulgi said as she dragged Yeji towards the dining room.

Irene was left at the living room with Lia and Yeri.

"Excited for your wedding?" Irene asked the younger and Lia only nodded.

"Hi aunt Lia, I'm glad you'll be part of the family now" Yeri said and went closer to Lia.

"Oh its a pleasure Yeri" Lia said and patted the little girls head.

A few days more and we're getting married. Yeji thought.

The Secretary/ Babysitter  |  YejisuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora