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Lia's POV

I was called by Yeji so I went out of my room then went down stairs and went to the door. I saw DoHyeon, my boyfriend standing next to Yeji. I bowed to Yeji adn excused myself.

"We'll talk outside Yeji" I said to her and she nodded

DoHyeon and I went out and talked.

"So why are you calling me all of the sudden?" I asked

"You didn't read my messages or answered my calls" He said

"Why would you call me just after you being with another girl" I said as I was already tearing up

"Its not what you think Lia"

"Why would I believe you DoHyeon?, You just mad the mistake again. I gave you a chance but you just ruined it"

"Lia please, I love you so much, Please forgive me"

"I can't DoHyeon, I can't"


"After I saw you I ran away and you sisn't even chase me, It means that you don't care for me. I went to the bar and drink and drink a lot until I became drunk."

"Please Lia"

"I'm sorry DoHyeon"

"Is it because if your boss? Do you love her so much that you don't even give time for me?"

"I give time for you DoHyeon you're the one who doesn't"

"Lia, you're always with your boss!" He shouted at me now tears are falling from my eyes.

"You don't even care about me DoHyeon, You're always with other girls. Remember that I gave you a chance before and this time you won't get any"

"Then fine, I'm saying this now. We're breaking up. Have fun with your boss"

"Fine, don't ever call me again"

"You won't get away with this Lia" He said as he went out of the gate and walked home.

I didn't noticed that I was crying too hard. I quickly went inside still crying. Good thing the others are asleep now. As I was going to walk up going to the room still crying someone held my wrist which stopped me from walking.

I looked back and it was Yeji. She was worried I can say it through her face. She led me to the living room and we sat down. She then let me face her and asked me.

"What happened?"

"We br-broke up" I said

As soon as I said that I burst into tears while Yeji was still holding my wrist.

She pulled me into a hug and caressed my back and hair.

"Don't worry Lia It will all be okay"


I don't know why but I feel safe in Yeji's arms. She takes care of me even though she is just my boss. After a while I was able to calm down.

She released the hug and looked at me.

"Are you okay now?"

"A little"

"Wait here, I'll just get some water"

She stood up and went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. She came back and gave me the drink. I got it from her and drank half of it. I placed it first at the table in front of me.

Yeji then looked at me again and asked something.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes Yeji, Thank you" I said and show her a small smile.

"Come on we need to sleep now" She said and gave out her hand

I accepted it and went with her. She led me to my room and bid me goodnight. She then went to her room.

I went inside and went to the bed. I lied down but I can't sleep. I was still thinking of what happened. My boyfriend being with other girls then breaking up. I sat up. I then burst into tears again as I remembered it.

A few minutes later someone knocked on my door and opened it. Maybe it's Yeji, maybe I woke her up from my crying.
She went in and closed the door. She ran to me and asked if everything is alright.

"Lia, Why are you crying again"

I didn't said anything but cried. She hugged me and caressed my hair. She helped me calm down again and before I knew it I fell asleep on her arms.

Yeji's POV

As soon as Lia came inside of the house she was crying. I held her wrist to asked whats wrong. Thats when she said she and her boyfriend broke up. I led her to the living room and we sat. I helped her calm down. After that we went upstairs to sleep. I led her to her room than went to my room. I don't know if she's okay now but I was not yet sleepy.

As soon as I sat on my bed. I heard sobs. I knew it was from Lia's because my room was beside hers. I was worried so I went out of my room and went to hers. I opened the door only to see her crying while hugging her legs and her head down.

I closed the door and ran to her. I sat beside her and asked why she was crying. She didn't said anything, she only cried. I hugged her and caressed her hair and helped her to calm down. Before I knew it she was already sleeping. I got no choice but to sleep beside her since she was also hugging me.

I promise Lia if we're together, I'll always protect you.

The Secretary/ Babysitter  |  YejisuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora