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Yeji picked up Ryujin and Yuna from school then went to their house.

"You two stay here first, I'll be out okay?" Yeji said to Ryujin and Yuna

"Nae, we'll just play here eomma" Yuna answer

It was a little bit too early for her to pick up Lia so she went to a nearby flower shop first. She went inside and bought a bouquet. After that it was finally time to pick up Lia from school. She went out of the car as soon as she parked. She was also excited to see Lia tho.

Lia was still in her classroom, waiting for the bell to go on since they're not allowed to go out unless it goes on. She was chatting with her seat mate Yeonjung.

"Hey, you excited for graduation?" Yeonjung asked. Even before Lia could speak someone went running towards them and answered the question.

"Well duh yeah, who wouldn't be?" Soobin said

"I wasn't talking to you Soobin" Yeonjung said and somewhat made an angry face.

"Anyways, wanna hang out?" Soobin asked Lia

"No thanks, I have things to do" Lia said and just smiled

"Bout you angry girl?" Soobin teased Yeonjung

"Eh, I'm going out with Bona today she told me she'll treat me out" Soobin answered while holding up a mirror and putting on lip gloss.

"Oh okay" Soobin said and suddenly the bell rang.

"Finally!" SinB said and ran out of the classroom. She was followed by Soobin and Rina.

"See you on graduation day then Lia" Yeonjung said and waved her goodbye.

Lia fixed her things and her bag. She carried it and went out of the classroom but as she wen out, someone stopped her.

"Uh Yes miss?" Lia asked

"Oh I just wanted to tell you good news Lia!" The teacher said and was squealing happily.

"What is it?" Lia asked who was curious

"You're the top 1 Lia! I'm so proud of you!" The teacher said and gave her a hug

"Thank you miss" Lia just said and smiled shyly

"I hope you continue doing this until the end, anyways goodbye and see you at your graduation" The teacher said and went off

Lia herself was so happy about the new she can't wait to tell it to her parents, sister and brother and especially Yeji.
Lia was now walking down the stairs when Yeonjung ran towards her.

"Uh... Yeonjung, what's the matter?" Lia asked

"Well uh someone's waiting for you outside the campus" Yeonjung said and acted nervously

"Really? I hope it isn't my brother" Lia said and went down the stairs with Yeonjung.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to go out with Bona after class?" Lia asked who was still confused about the situation happening

"Well, uh she still needs to get something tho" Yeonjung replied

As they were walking at the hallway towards the exit a lot of people were looking at Lia.

"What's wrong with the people today?" Lia asked

"Maybe there's something special happening" Bona said out of nowhere

"See Lia, I told you Bona would be here" Yeonjung said and clinged to Bona.

They were almost near the gate when Bona and Yeonjung stopped walking by Lia. They giggled as Lia didn't noticed. As Lia was ver close to the exit, a girl stood in front of her. Since Lia's head was looking down she looked at the shoes, it was somewhat familiar. She can hear a lot of screams and giggles from the whole school. She then slowly looked up and was surprised to see Yeji. Yeji was just wearing her casual clothes. Lia looked into Yeji's eyes and saw it full of love. Yeji then smiled softly, it made Lia's heart flutter.

Lia suddenly hugged Yeji tightly. Yeji was a little surprised by the sudden hug but hugged back. A lot of students were cheering, by that noise, some of the teachers let the other students go home immediately.

"Hey Lia, we'll be going now bye hehe" Yeonjung said and winked at Lia.

Yeji and Lia were the only ones by the gate already, Lia was still hugging Yeji. Yeji noticed that Lia was crying.

"Hey why are you crying?" Yeji asked as she looks at Lia snucked by her neck.

"I don't deserve you" Lia answered while sobbing

"Hey, don't think like that, you know that I love you so much" Yeji answered and kissed Lia's forehead

"But I don't even have the effort to be like this to you, giving you flowers and things also giving you time" Lia said and wiped off her tears but looking down in the ground.

Yeji lifted Lia's chin and looked at her eyes.

"Lia, no matter what happens, even if you don't do those things, I will still love you" Yeji said and kissed Lia's forehead again.

Lia got a little better and took the flowers from Yeji.

"Thank you for the flowers, but I really like it when you came here" Lia said and hugged Yeji again. They walked going to the car.

"So we'll go home first then you can change so we can watch a movie" Yeji said as they walked while holding hands.

"Sure" Lia said and leaned on Yeji's shoulder.

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