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The girls were now out,going to eat their lunch.

"Hey Lia, Is it okay for Sakura to be with us?" Chaeyeon said while holding Sakura's hand

"Oh, it's fine Chaeyeon"

"So where do you guys want to eat?"
Chaeryeong asked them

"How about there" Lia said while pointing at the restaurant nearby

The girls agreed so they went inside the restaurant to eat. They talked about some things.

Chaeryeong: Lia unnie

Lia: Eung

Chaeryeong: I didn't know that you sleep talk a lot

Lia: Omo, you heard me?

Chaeryeong: Yeah

Chaeyeon: You always sleeptalk Lia unnie so it's already obvious that we can always hear you

Lia: Did I said something strange last night?

Chaeryeong: Well you did

Sakura: Chaeryeong told me what you said and it was kinda cute hehe

Lia: Please tell me

Chaeryeong: Should I tell her?

Chaeyeon: Go on

Chaeryeong: You were finding for Yeji unnie then you said you like her

Lia: Oh my god! (Lia said as she covered her face embarassed)

Chaeyeon: That's okay Lia unnie

Lia: Why?

Sakura: Umm... maybe because, it's fine with them

Chaeryeong: And it's already obvious that you like her

Lia: How?

Chaeyeon: A while ago you were staring at her for 3 minutes straight.

Lia: That long!

Chaeryeong: Yeah

The girls finished eating so now they went back to the building and to Yeji's office.
They went inside only to see Yuna at Lia's chair.

Lia: Yuna, where's your mom?

Yuna: She went out just a while ago

Chaeyeon: What time is it?

Sakura: 12:01

Lia: Omo, Yuna we need to bring you to school in an hour

Yuna: Okay unnie

Suddenly a woman entered the office. They thought it was Yeji but it wasn't. It was Nayeon(Twice) she is working at Yeji's company.

Chaeyeon: Omo, Nayeon unnie.

Nayeon: Hi girls

Chaeyeon, Sakura, and Chaeryeong: Hi unnie

Nayeon: And who are you? (Nayeon said while looking at Lia

Lia: I'm Choi Jisu miss, you can call me Lia. I'm the secretary of Miss Hwang and the babysitter of her daughter.

Nayeon: Oh, so you're the one Yeji keeps talking about.

Lia: Excuse me?

Nayeon: Nevermind maybe Yeji might get mad. So Yeji told me that you guys should bring Yuna to her school now, also She said that you Lia, can stay at home and rest now since the paper works are now done.

Chaeyeon: How about us Nayeon unnie?

Nayeon: She said for you guys to go home.

Chaeryeong: Just that?

The Secretary/ Babysitter  |  YejisuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora