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It was just 5:00 a.m. and Lia was already awake. She took a bath and changed her clothes then she cooked and ate her breakfast.

 She took a bath and changed her clothes then she cooked and ate her breakfast

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She hurriedly went inside the bathroom again to brush her teeth. Then she put on her make up for work. It was now 6:30 and Lia is now going out of her house and asked for a ride from her friend.

"Thanks Chaeyeon for driving me to work"

"No Problem"

They were already near the house of Yeji I mean Ms. Hwang rather and Lia is getting nervous.

"I'm already nervous"

"It's fine Lia, anyways have fun at work tho"

"Yeah sure, Thanks for the ride"

"Anytime Lia!"

With that Chaeyeon left and Lia was now at the gate of the mansion. She pressed the doorbell and by surprise Chan Woo was already there.

"Good morning Miss Lia" He greeted with a bow

"Good Morning Chan Woo"

"Your so early miss, Its just 7:13" Chan Woo said by looking at his watch.

"Well I can't be late for the first day of work"

"You may come in now Miss Lia" The maid said as she opened the door

"Thank you" Lia greeted with a bow

Lia took a sit at the couch in the living room while waiting for Yeji. After a while she heard soft footsteps going to her. Lia raised her head and saw Yuna in a very cute outfit.

 Lia raised her head and saw Yuna in a very cute outfit

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Yuna smiled as she saw Lia at the living room. She ran to Lia and gave her a hug.

"Unnie! Your here again"

"Yes I'm here Yuna"

"I'm so happy coz yesterday after I played with Gaeun unnie you left already but Mommy said that your coming today so I was very excited"

"Really? You're excited to see me again?"

"Yes unnie"

Then after that they heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. It was Yeji.
Lia stood up and greeted her. She was shocked from what Yeji was wearing.

 She was shocked from what Yeji was wearing

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"Um... Good Morning Yeji-ssi" Lia greeted with a bow

"Good Morning Lia"

Yuna shouted after Lia and Yeji greeted each other


Yuna ran to her mom and gave her a tight hug

"Good Morning Yuna"

"Good Morning Mommy"

The two greeted each other and Lia smiled from their interaction. Yeji then insisted for having breakfast.

"Come join us fro breakfast Lia" Yeji said with a cold tone

"Umm I already ate Yeji-ssi"

"No, I insist since Yuna has waited for you since yesterday"

"Come here unnie sit beside me"

"Um.. Okay"

"And by the way Lia, you have great fashion taste"

Lia was fluttered a little bit by the compliment

(What Lia is wearing)

(What Lia is wearing)

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They ate breakfast. Then Yeji said a lot of things to Lia

"So today your not gonna do much so here's your schedule"

"From 9:00 we're going to the office then your gonna stay there until 10:30 to check on my schedule and to check the paperworks. Also Yuna is coming with you"

"Your gonna drop off Yuna to the house after you walk around the mall at 1:00 then you can go to your school. Then your gonna come back at 5:00 and leave at 8:00 pm"

"Also here is the credit car, in case Yuna wants to buy stuff also you can buy anything you want"

"Yeji-ssi no need for me to buy anything I'm fine"

"Well thats an order and you should follow it"

"Yes Yeji-ssi"

"Also do you know how to drive?"

"Umm.. Yes Yeji-ssi"

"Oh... Then you can borrow one of my cars for transportation also here are the keys."

"Thank you Yeji-ssi"

It was now 8:30 and they were finished from eating. They now ride at Yeji's car.
Lia helped Yuna to buckle her seat belt at the backseat. Then she sat beside her.

"You don't need to sit ther Lia, You can sit here atthe passengers sit"

Well Lia just followed Yeji instead of telling her its fine for her to sit at the back. She doesn't want to feel Yeji's cold aura while she's still kind.

After 10 mins of driving they arrived at he office. Lia got ou firdt and went to the backseat to unbuckle Yuna's belt. As Yuna got out of the car she went to her mom to hold her hand, but then Yeji got a phone call. She gestured to Yuna to got to Lia first.

"Yes hello who is this?......."

"Come here Yuna" Lia said as Yuna went to her. Yuna hold the hand of Lia as they walk inside the office. As they went inside Yeji was greeted by almost everyone in the company. Yeji greeted them with a smile. They entered th office of Yeji and Yeji gave Lia an Ipad for her schedule.

"Yuna stay here first okay?". Lia said and Yuna just nodded

To be continued.....

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