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It has been weeks since Lia already moved on from her boyfriend also she had been more cheerful with Yeji and the others. She is always laughing and smiling. She doesn't have a hard time at work since she only has a small tasks.

Today Yeji was planning to confess to Lia. She wanted it to be where she used to stay when she was a kid. She already told Chaeyeon, Chaeryeong and Yuna which made them excited. They were so happy that Yeji has finally found a person who will be with her for the rest of her life.

Lia is still asleep at her room. Yeji on the other hand was making breakfast. She and Yuna woke up early same as for Chaeryeong. Yeji will first pick up Ryujin then bring them to school so that Lia can just relax.

After cooking and letting the two girls eat their breakfast, she then drove to the house of Lia's parents to pick up Ryujin.

She went down from the car and knocked on the door. It was opened by Ryujin.

"Oh hi unnie!" Ryujin said and gave Yeji a hug.

"Hi Ryujin, where's your parents?" Yeji asked

"They're at the living room unnie."

"Is your brother around by any chance?"

"Aniyo he left already"

"Oh okay, wait for me in the car okay?"


Ryujin then went to the car and sat beside Yuna. Yeji went inside and greeted Lia's parents.

"Good Morning Mr and Mrs Choi" Yeji greeted

"Good Morning to you too Yeji" Lia's dad said

"Also just call us mom and dad. Also I know why you wanted to talk to us" Lia's mom said

"I-uh" Yeji stuttered

"Actually it's okay Yeji. You can tell us" Mr Choi said and chuckled

"Well I want to propose to your daughter but I want to take time to be with her. Please allow me to be with your daughter Mr and Mrs Choi"

"Of course we will let you Yeji and Lia had been cheerful more this days. We're glad that you two have met each other" Mrs Choi said

"Thank you uh- mom and dad" Yeji stuttered

"It's always a pleasure Yeji," Mr Choi said

"I'll be off now I need to bring the kids to school"

"Of course, you may go now Yeji" Mrs Choi said and waved to her goodbye

"Thank you for your time mom and dad" Yeji said

She then left the house and brought the girls to school. Yuna and Ryujin went down as soon as they reached the school.

Chaeryeong was still seating at the passengers seat which made Yeji confused.

"Aren't you going down yet?"

"Unnie, I'm not going to school remember? I'm homeschooled now. I asked you to being me to Han River"

"Oh sorry"

They now went to Han River but still Chaeryeong is still not going down.

"What now?" Yeji asked

"Well I just wanted to tell you goodluck unnie and have fun. Don't pressure yourself. "

"I know Chaeryeong"

"I'll see you later at the house unnie, don't forget to have fun" Chaeryeong said as she went out of the car.

"I know Chaeryeong" Yeji said and waved her goodbye.

Yeji now drove back to the house. It was only 7:30 in the morning she's sure that Lia is already awake by then.

When she arrived at the house she parked the car and went inside. She opened the door to see Lia already eating breakfast.

"Good Morning Lia" Yeji greeted

"Oh Good Morning Yeji" Lia said and bowed

"After eating we're going somewhere today"

"Only the two of us Yeji?"


Yeji then went first to her room to get ready. Lia on the other hand was a blushing mess. She already has this tingling sensation in her body.

She then took a bath and chose the best clothes to wear. Lia has to admit it that she really likes Yeji. She is always happy with her. Call her crazy or anything but she's in love with her boss.

Yeji was already waiting in the living room in her casual clothes.

Yeji was already waiting in the living room in her casual clothes

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She was just waiting for Lia to get done. A little later, Lia's room door opened to reveal her in a very cute outfit.

 A little later, Lia's room door opened to reveal her in a very cute outfit

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Yeji was string at Lia for almost 2 minutes which made Lia smile.

"Um Yeji?"

Yeji snapped back into reality and apologized.

"Sorry we can go now" Yeji said and led Lia to the car.

They went to the car and Yeji drove them to the place.

"Where are we going Yeji?"

"Somewhere I used to stay when I was still a kid"

"Oh okay"

The ride was long which made Lia fell asleep.

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