"But it sounded to me as if you believe Murphy."

Bellamy sighs and unfolds his arms so they rest at his side, "this time I do, yeah."

I look at him as if he just told me he believes Murphy...which he did.

"Bellamy, you can't be serious," I snap.

"Think about it Chris," Bellamy says to me, my heart fluttering slightly at the sound of my name. "Murphy's treading on thin ice. He knows that one slip up means a bullet in his skull. He's telling the truth."

I purse my lips, understanding the logic. "Well we should still check with Octavia if it's true."

Bellamy shakes his head, "she's not talking to me, and I don't really think she'll be too happy to see you at the moment either."

I frown, "why? Because of the Grounder?"

Bellamy suddenly pales, the realisation of something hitting him. He clears his throat and waves the matter off, "doesn't matter. It's me she's annoyed with. We better go see what the damage is, fire should've been put out by now."

I reluctantly follow after him out of his tent and then stand beside Bellamy's crouched form in the midst of the meat shack remains.

Everything around us is either ashen or otherwise unusable. There was a strong smokey meat smell in the air that made me want to gag.

"Any idea what happened?" Clarke asks as she comes over to us.

Bellamy repeats the story from Murphy to her, and Clarke, clever as always, repeats my question.

"And we believe Murphy?" Her face scrunches up at the thought.

"I do, yeah," Bellamy tells her.

"I don't," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"We have some wild onions and nuts in the drop ship," Clarke informs. "It's only enough to last us maybe one or two weeks. What's left here?"

I look around us at the burnt bones and carcasses that possess no use to us.

"Nothing," Bellamy voices, "it all burned."

"Then we have to hunt," Clarke says confidently, as if a sounder of boars were about to run through our gates. Grounders maybe, but not boars.

"You're kidding me right?" I say the same time Bellamy grabs her arm, stopping her from leaving.

"With a whole Grounder army out there?"

"Look, we can't defend ourselves if we're starving. Anyone we can spare goes out."

Bellamy eventually nods, accepting the idea, "okay, but each group takes a gun."

"That is a disaster waiting to happen," I tell them both. "We can't have half the camp leaving with guns. Whoever's left here will be sitting ducks—and no offence, but some of the ducks living here are pretty stupid, it wouldn't surprise me if a Grounder knocked on the front gate and is asked politely by one of these morons to," I put on a weird voice, "'oh please come on in!'"

Clarke sighs, "you have a point.  A weird one, but relevant."

"Well we don't have a choice," Bellamy finalises, walking away.

we're at 25k reads!

thank you all so much for supporting this story, i know there've been a few rocky patches where the plot may not make sense/goes of course/ or you simply don't like it, but i'm trying my hardest to tie up any loose ends and make it enjoyable again!!

a key thing when writing is character development, which is something i'm trying to do with chris carter, but please remember that i'm not a professional! simply just a fan girl :)

to all the positive comments i've received about the story so far, THANK YOU💜

seeing a notification on a comment about whether you enjoy a scene (or not) is something that always makes my heart jump a little, along with getting a new vote, so please please please, if you've enjoyed a chapter, vote!! i want to try and get 1k before this book is done! that would be a huge accomplishment for me.

i hope you're all staying safe during this pandemic and reading to your hearts content💜

(i also apologise that this a/n is so long, if you've read the whole thing - you're a legend!)

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