Chapter 10.

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I watch Clarke and Monty make their way into the drop ship but before I have a chance to follow them someone grabs my wrist.

"Are you serious?" Finn asks, staring down at my now empty wrist that I remove from his grasp.

"I'm not gonna preach to you about taking your wristband off, Finn, you still have someone you love up there, I have no one on the Ark."

"You're kidding me, right? What the hell happened to you, Chris?" Finn frowns down at me and my jaw clenches.

I hate when he uses my first name, it always reminds me how things used to be.

"Huh?" He continues. "Since when did you become this person that just stands there while someone holds a knife to another person's throat?"

"He's Jaha's son."

"Yeah, and you're your father's daughter." He counters and I recoil away from him as if he hit me and I can't help the shocked expression on my face.

"I'm nothing like him." My voice comes out quiet at first but then I narrow my eyes.

"Not yet. But if you carry on like this, you'll be worse." Finn walks away from me and I'm left glaring at the spot on the ground where he stood.

Is Finn right? Am I really acting like...him?

I know I have a temper, and a...flare, for violence sometimes, and what happened on Unity Day...

I shake my head to rid the thought.

I am NOTHING like him. Finn's wrong.

Little do I realise how wrong I am. I am EXACTLY like him.

I walk over to Octavia and Bellamy, the latter tending to his sister's leg, which has a large, bleeding gash.

"What happened?" I ask as I stand beside them, glancing down at Octavia's thigh and holding back the urge to gag, looking away quickly.

"I don't know. We were down at the river." She hisses in pain. "The others said it looked like a giant snake."

"A giant snake?" I repeated.

So we have people who have lived on the ground their entire lives, and a giant water snake.


"You could've been killed." Bellamy tells her as he wraps a cloth around the wound.

"She would have been if Jasper didn't jump in to pull her out." Clarke says as she and Wells approach us.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too."

"No, no. No way, not again." Bellamy pushes Octavia back down as he stands, towering over her.

"He's right, your leg's just gonna slow us down. I'm here for you two."

I raise an eyebrow up at Clarke.

"Clarke what are you doing?"

"I hear you have a gun." She ignores Wells and stares straight at Bellamy, who lifts up the bottom of his shirt to reveal his gun tucked into his trousers.

Bellamy has a gun?

I can't help but shift on my feet uncomfortably. I don't actually know what kind of guy Bellamy is, and yet I jumped head first into a sort of alliance with him, and now I've found out he has a gun.

"Good." Clarke nods. "Follow me. You too." She looks at me expectantly before walking past us.

"And why would we do that?" Bellamy asks.

"Because you want them," Clarke indicates to the other delinquents, "to follow you. And right now they're thinking only one of us is scared."

She walks away and as Bellamy and I lock eyes, I shrug. Jasper is my friend, I'm not gonna leave him to die. Bellamy however, might.

"She has a point."

"Murphy." Bellamy calls, "Come with us. Atom?"

Atom walks over to us as Bellamy shrugs on his jacket.

"My sister doesn't leave this camp, is that clear?"

"I don't need a babysitter." Octavia protests but he ignores her.

"Anybody touches her, they answer to me."

"All right, let's go." I say, walking away with both guys following behind me.

"Since when are we in the rescuing business, huh?" Murphy asks as we all walk away from camp.

"The Ark thinks the prince is dead." Bellamy explains. "Once they think the princess is too, they'll never come down."

I snort, "I'd like to see you try and make that happen."

"I'm getting that wristband, even if I have to cut off her hand to do it."

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora