Chapter 56

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"Clarke? Clarke can you hear us?"

Abby's voice continues to emit from the radio, a reminder that we've made contact with the Ark, and that it's now inevitable that they'll all come down here and take charge. But that's a worry for another day.

"It's out." Raven calls to Abby, looking at the knife in Clarke's hand. She looks over at Finn, a smile on her face that drops, and when I look up I realise why.

Finn is staring—rather intensely—at Clarke, completely disregarding his girlfriend, and Clarke stares back with just as much emotion.

I glance between the three of them, confused and rather annoyed, but then everything rushes back to me at once.

Finn and Raven are pretty pissed at me, Raven more so now that Finn has just risked his life for me. If she lost him, not only would I not be able to forgive myself, but she definitely wouldn't forgive me, she'd probably hate me for the rest of her life, something that would break my heart more.

And as for Finn...he risked his life for me today, despite everything that's happened, all because I was stupid enough to get close to that Grounder.

The Grounder which is currently up on the third level.

Clarke and Raven start to help Finn back up onto the table, and I take the opportunity to turn and grab onto the ladder, pulling myself up to the second level.

I continue to climb up, my actions rather slow, and I ignore the chatter of the rest of the delinquents on the second level.

I take a few deep, haggard breathes when I reach the top, gently leaning my forehead against the cool metal bars.


"I'm fine." I say to Octavia, rather harshly, pushing myself up, "Stay down here."

I push open the hatch and climb the rest of the way up, crawling onto my feet. Once I'm standing upright, I lean against the wall, catching my breath and squeezing my eyes shut, willing everything to stop spinning.

I stand up straight but come face to face with one of the guys who brought the Grounder up, Miller, who halts me in my steps.

I scoff as he folds his arms across his chest in an attempt to come across threatening.

"Move." I say to him, my voice low. "Before I throw you down that ladder, head first."

He does as I say, throwing a look over his shoulder at Bellamy when he does.

"How's Finn?" Bellamy asks, taking in my appearance and no doubt staring at the blood I'm covered in.

I walk forward, eyes set on the Grounder who's tied up with his arms and legs wide, cuts and bruises all across his face. He watches me, his eyes dark as he remains still an observant.

"Hey." Bellamy places a hand on my arm, but I shrug it out of his grip. "What's wrong? You okay?"

"I see you've been busy."

"He won't talk." Bellamy sighs out of frustration and folds his arms across his chest.

"Yeah well, you're not the easiest person to open up to." I say to him.

"Hey, check it out." Miller calls out. Bellamy goes over to where Miller is, but I stay where I am, staring at the Grounder who averts his gaze to where the guys are, watching them. "What is all this stuff?"

"Who the hell knows with these people." Bellamy says.

I hear Bellamy shuffling some things around before the Grounder starts to freak out, trying to break free of his chains.

"I think you found something he doesn't want us to see." I tell them, turning around, stopping and blinking away the black spots that cloud my vision. "What is it?"

"A sketch book." Bellamy glances up at me as he flicks through the pages. "These aren't bad..."

Bellamy stops on one particular page, his jaw clenching as he looks up at the Grounder in anger. He looks down again and flips the page, pausing again.

"It's our camp." He voices. "I'm guessing if we counted all those marks they'd add up to a hundred and two. Ten are crossed out. That's how many people we've lost." Bellamy stands and walks closer to the tied up prisoner, passing me. "They've been watching us ever since we got here."

"Does that surprise you?" I say to him, "Our first day here Jasper got speared by them." I remind him, my voice low. "And we built that wall for a reason."

Bellamy hands me the book, and I start to flick through the pages, seeing some pretty good drawings of the woods, certain plants, our camp, and even Octavia.

At least now I know what got Bellamy so pissed.

"Looks like Clarke has a new drawing buddy." I comment, remembering her telling me she likes to draw.

I pause when I turn the page, seeing what looks like a person but covered in...I'm not even sure what.

"What the hell is that thing?" Miller asks from over my shoulder.

I share a look with Bellamy, whatever it is, it doesn't look friendly.

"Friend of yours?" Bellamy asks just as the hatch opens up, a familiar blonde head popping up.

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