Chapter 11.

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"Hey, hold up." Bellamy holds his gun in his hand casually and definitely unnecessarily as we catch up to Clarke and Wells, pushing past overgrown bushes and tree branches as we do.

"What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart."

"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells snaps.

"Well why don't you do something about it, huh?" Murphy lunges forward and pushes Wells away.

"Enough." I hiss from beside them, watching as Murphy steps back.

I internally smirk, the good thing about Murphy is that he respects me enough to listen to me, and hopefully that'll rub off on everyone else here so I'm not just hiding in Bellamy's shadow.

"Jasper screamed when we moved him." Clarke stops before us, drawing our attention, "If the spear struck his heart he'd have died instantly. Doesn't mean we have time to waste."

She turns to carry on walking but is stopped by Bellamy quickly grabbing her arm, causing her to glare at him.

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go."

Clarke pulls her arm free of his grasp and narrows her eyes at his small smirk, "The only way the Ark is going to think I'm dead, is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Brave princess." Bellamy continues to smirk.

I have to agree, blondie really thinks she's something.

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname?"

I turn my head to see Finn saunter up to us and I fold my arms across my chest and look to the ground, still sour about what he said earlier.

"Call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground."

He stops beside us and stares down at me for a moment and our eyes lock as we figure out which of us will be the first to say something.

Finn wants an explanation on the 'new me' and why I seem to have changed so much and I want him to mind his own business but to apologise for his insulting accusations.

Problem is, we're both too stubborn to be the first to break the ice.

"Clarke, come with me." Finn averts his gaze first and walks away, Clarke following him.

I shake my head and scoff. "Let's go."

I start to walk in a slightly different direction to Clarke and Finn, the other three guys following after me.

"What was that all about?" Bellamy asks as we walk away from Clarke and Finn, but still keeping them in sight.

"Mind your own damn business."

Bellamy gives a short laugh, "You know it'd be nice to actually know who I'm dealing with. I mean, if we're gonna be running things down here, I think I deserve to know the truth." He pauses. "What did you do up there to get yourself locked up?"

I halt my steps in shock and Bellamy stops beside me, Murphy and Wells paying no attention from their places ahead of us.

"You don't know why I got arrested?" I ask, unable to resist a slight frown as I do.

Bellamy scans my face with a frown of his own. "Why would I?"

I shake my head. "Well--why? I mean, why are you okay with me helping run things? I thought you only did it because you knew."

Bellamy starts to look more confused than ever, but he doesn't get a chance to reply before Wells calls out our names.

"What are you doing? Come on, we don't have time to waste."

I walk away from Bellamy as calmly as I can, trying not to give away the fact that I'm freaking out on the inside.

If Bellamy doesn't know why I got arrested, if he doesn't know what I've done, then why the hell did he agree to me helping run things with him? Surely it can't just be because I convinced him with that bullshit about the other kids respecting me.

And what about now? Me making a big deal out of it probably just made the situation worse, because now he's going to ask around to see if he can find out what happened, and he will find out, and he'll change the way he is towards me once he does.

Everyone always does when they find out.

And when all this happens, Bellamy will go back on our deal and will refuse any of my help on running things and will reduce me to being a nothing, a nobody. If he really has any sense he'd banish me from camp or something.

Nice job, Chris, you just made things a whole lot worse for yourself.

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