Chapter 37

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It takes all my remaining strength to turn and walk away from Finn, and when I do, I notice we were a lot closer to camp than I realised.

I walk through the gate just as the crowd of delinquents who surrounded Bellamy and Clarke start to disperse. I stand beside Clarke, and she gives me a weak smile that I don't reciprocate.

"Where's Finn?" Clarke asks me quietly and I scoff.

"Like I care."

Clarke gives me an odd look and nods silently before going into the Dropship, leaving Bellamy and I alone.

I suddenly remember that Bellamy knows. He heard what Charlotte said about my father, he knows what I did.

He knows I'm a murderer.

"I think you and I need to talk." He says, his voice raspy from the day's events.

I look up at him and meet his eye, big mistake. Bellamy looks at me with an expression I can't read and it terrifies me, but nonetheless I stand my ground and nod firmly.

"Yeah. We do."

Bellamy makes his way through the camp and towards his tent and I follow silently with my fists clenched.

God, I had hoped this day would never come. Bellamy's gonna call me out on being a liar, he's never gonna trust me again.

All right, Christine, you're gonna go in there, and you're gonna tell Bellamy the truth.

But he already knows the truth, so I just have to explain myself to him, reason with him that I'm not a threat to him.

Who am I kidding?

I didn't come all the way down to Earth, become a leader, get three kids killed and one banished, just to explain myself to Bellamy Blake so he doesn't banish me as well.

Hell. No.

I am gonna go in there and tell Bellamy that it is none of his business what I did in the past. He can't banish me from camp, he could try to, but it wouldn't work. That's one thing I'm proud of myself for, I'm too stubborn.

I push aside the fabric entrance and follow Bellamy into his tent, watching as he stands in the middle with his arms folded against his chest. I try not to stare too long at his arms, and instead focus on his face—his passive, unreadable face.

We both stand in silence, clearly he's waiting for me to say something, and as I try to figure out what it is, I realise that I can't do this. I can't be a bitch to Bellamy and tell him it's none of his business, not after all we've been through today.

I've already learned that I can trust Bellamy, so I need to trust him with this, he's sometimes a reasonable man.

Okay, so maybe that's debatable.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out, so I close it mouth again. I shift on my feet awkwardly and fold my arms across my chest like him, but realise that might come across as being defensive so quickly unfold them and instead put my arms at my side. I swallow thickly, trying to ignore the lump in my throat and I take a deep breath and look up again, but when I do, I'm met with Bellamy's concerned gaze.

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