Chapter 49

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They're killing us off one by one.

First Mbege, now Diggs.

As I pant heavily from all the fucking running, I try my best not to look at Diggs, who's corpse stands less than a metre from me.

"They're leading us hear." Jasper gasps as he looks around, "It's the only direction we can run in."

"Hey." I look over at Finn as he frowns at Bellamy and I, "Where'd they go?"

I look behind us and see nothing, no Grounders.

"After Roma." Bellamy quickly realises, running off and dragging me along with him.

I try to pull my hand free from Bellamy's, knowing that if he wants to get to Roma before they do, he can't be lugging me around like dead weight.

As if on cue, my ankle decides to twist uncomfortably when I take my next step, causing me to jerk and stumble. A cry of pain escapes me as start to fall to the ground, but multiple hands catch me before I do.


"Hey, you okay?"

"Oh, I'm peachy." I say to Bellamy bitterly as he and Finn hold me up. I try to rest my foot on the ground but hiss and curse, lifting it off. "Fuck."

"She can't go on like this." Finn shakes his head at Bellamy as he places my arm around his neck for support, holding my wrist. "We have to get her back to camp."

"I'm standing right here you know, and I'm not going anywhere." I shake my head in denial. "Not until we find Octavia."

"Finn's right," Bellamy says from the other side of me, his other arm tightly wound around my waist, "you should head back to camp, it's safer there."

"We don't have time for this." Monroe hisses at us, glancing around nervously with a tight grip on her spear.

"Monroe's right, so let's go find Roma and then Octavia." I say, leaving no room for arguments.

Bellamy opens his mouth to protest but I cut him off with a hard look. I untangle my arms from them and hold my hands up towards each of them. 

"I'm fine. I can walk by myself, now let's go before it's too late." I grit my teeth harder with every step I take, using the pain to push myself further.

Finn and Monroe easily overtake me with a slow jog, and I sense as well as hear Bellamy right behind me, as if waiting for me to fall.

When Finn and Monroe slow to a stop, I follow suit and stand beside Monroe, staring at a still body pressed against a tree.

"Roma!" Monroe whispers, but when Roma doesn't answer, when she doesn't move a muscle, I share a worried glance with Bellamy.

He surges forward, the rest of us behind him as we approach Roma. He slows as we curve around the tree she hides behind, before quickly taking off again.

Roma still hasn't moved.

I watch Bellamy stand beside her, a horrified look on his face, I stop short when I see why. A long spear is embedded into her chest, her head lolled to the side as the blood around her mouth dries.

I swallow thickly before moving again, approaching Bellamy slowly as he stares at her, an unreadable expression on his face. I avert my gaze from Roma, silently thanking her once more for helping me earlier.

"They're playing with us." Finn breathes as he looks at our surroundings.

I glance at him but look back when Bellamy slowly lifts his hand and gently closes her eyelids.

"She only came because of me."

I place a hand on his arm for support, not knowing he had cared for her so much. All I knew her as was a girl from camp that he hooked up with, not thinking at all that she was actually a person too.

"They can kill us whenever they want." Finn whispers.

A beat passes before my head whips back to Jasper. "They they should GET IT OVER WITH!"

My eyes widen as I watch the anger and pure hatred on his face, out of all of us here, Jasper has suffered the most at the hand of the Grounders. Finn runs up to him, trying to silence him.

"Jasper! Stop!"


Finn shakes a shouting Jasper, a crazed look in his eyes.

"Shut him up!" Bellamy surges towards them and I follow, all three of their deep voices mixing into one loud noise.

"Calm down, Jasper!" I try to reason, my hands held up in a lame attempt to stop him.

"They're coming!" Monroe yells above all of us, gaining our attention.

A grounder runs towards us and I spin in a circle as more follow, surrounding us. I step backwards and bump into Jasper, but I pay him no attention as his crazed look now turns into a frightened one, realisation dawning on him. I grab both axes from my belt and secure them in my hands, my grip firm as my eyes dart around, following the grounders as they jump and run towards us.

"We're so screwed."

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