Chapter 57

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Clarke climbs up onto the level but her way is blocked by one of Bellamy's goons.

"Get the hell out of my way."

"It's okay," Bellamy says, "let her through."

I can't help but chuckle, turning to Miller and his friend, who's name I can't even be bothered to learn. "How's it feel to be Bellamy Blake's bitches?"

Both guys glare at me and I smirk, turning to face Clarke.

"Should've guessed you'd be up here." She says to me before moving around me and staring at the Grounder, shock evident on her face when she sees the condition he's in. "Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now." She hisses at Bellamy.

Bellamy glances at him before grabbing Clarke's wrist, dragging her over to the other side of the room, myself following after.

"Who cares." Bellamy says to her, "How's Finn?"

"Alive," she responds. "His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is?" She asks, a frown on her face. "And what happens when they do? I mean, when they come looking for him? Because they will, Bellamy."

"Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the entire time, and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back."

Something drops onto the roof, creating a loud bang throughout the entire ship. Bellamy disregards it and takes the book from me, opening it to the drawing of our camp and the tally, showing it to Clarke.

"Look, in case you missed it, his people, are already killing us." Bellamy's voice grows louder and harder. "How many more of our people need to die before you realise we're fighting a war?"

Clarke closes the book and looks up at him. "We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him. We can't win."

"You're right. We can't." Bellamy says. "If we don't fight."

"And we can't fight without knowing what we're up against." I input.

Before anything else can be said, Raven's voice travels up to us, her words stopping my heart for a split second.


"On my way!"

A shaky breathe escapes me as I watch Clarke practically fly down the ladder to the bottom level.

Finn is seizing. But we got the knife out, he should be okay, so why isn't he?

I follow after Clarke, emerging onto the bottom level where I freeze.

Raven and Clarke stand either side of Finn, holding him down as his body shakes and rattles on the table, his breathing sharp and quick.

"Carter, get over here!" Clarke yells over her shoulder, hoping it will kickstart me into action.

But it doesn't.

I watch as Finn's pale, sweating body shakes violently before it's suddenly still, his head lolling to the side with white foam escaping from his mouth.

"Okay, it's stopped." Clarke breathes, "Quick, help me get him onto his side."

Neither Raven or I move, physically trapped by the state Finn is in.

"Raven! There is fluid in his lungs, he could choke, quick!"

Raven jumps at the volume of Clarke's voice, but she nods and helps her to roll Finn onto his right side, his wound facing upwards.

Clarke dabs her hand across his face, "God he's burning up." She grabs a cloth to clean the froth away from his mouth.

"Fluid in his lungs," Raven repeats, tears staining her cheeks, "does that mean the knife hit something?"

"No, this isn't blood it's something else." Clarke's voice breaks slightly, and I realise that she and Raven aren't the only ones crying.

"Clarke, please," I rush forward and stand beside her, "don't let him die. He can' can't let him die."

"Carter I don't...I don't know what to do." She admits. "I did everything my mother told me."

"Think Clarke!" Raven tells.

"Shortness of breath. Fever. Seizing." Clarke lists before realisation hits her. "It's poison."

"Poison?!" I scan Finn, the sight of him in this condition terrifying me.

"Clarke you sterilised everything we watched you do it!"

Clarke's terrified gaze sweeps the room, landing on the knife to the side of us. "Not everything."

I follow her line of sight, my teeth grit together as I grab the knife from behind us and rush over to the ladder, climbing up as fast as I can.

That damn Grounder poisoned the knife.

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