Chapter 82

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The feeling of something rising up through my dry throat awakens me, and the next thing I know, blood spurts out of my mouth and into the hammock I'm lying in.

"Woah, woah, woah. Here," Someone grabs onto me as I continue throwing up, the thick feeling of blood in my mouth making me want to throw up more.

They lift me out of the hammock and onto the padded floor, patting my back as I cough and spit.

"You're okay, here," I look up at Murphy as he hands me a cloth to wipe my face, and push him away from me as I take deep, laboured breaths.

"Piss off," I hiss at him.

"I'm trying to help you," he tells me rather calmly, but even looking at his face, no matter how bloody, reminds me of that night.

I glare up at him as I breathe heavily, my chest feeling like someone is standing on it, "I said—"

"Carter," Clarke comes over and gives Murphy a nod, at which he gets up and goes to help others. I keep my gaze on his back, even when Clarke takes his place in front of me.

"Saint Murphy?" I say bitterly as I tear my eyes away from him and look at her, "Since when was that a thing."

"He's actually been a big help tonight," Clarke defends, watching my reaction. "I think he deserves a second chance."

"Excuse me?" I look over at her in shock. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Clarke nods, "Look, I know what he did Carter. I was there too."

I clench my jaw and look away from her as the memory of Charlotte jumping off the cliff edge replays in my mind.

"Look, we don't have time for this, Carter. Finn and Jasper blew up the bridge the Grounders needed to cross to get to our camp, we managed to call off the attack."

I frown over at Clarke, "Attack? What attack?"

Clarke sighs, "Yeah, you've been out for a long time."

I nod and look to the floor, annoyed that my sickness lasted longer than anyone else's.

"How are you feeling?" Clarke asks as she places two fingers to my wrist, looking down at her watch.

"Okay I guess," I shrug, "still a bit exhausted. Thirsty too."

Clarke nods and releases my wrist before passing me a cup of water I hadn't even noticed her bring with her, "Yeah, you're getting stronger. It's weird, but, not rare that your immune system is quite low, it's why you were affected longer than anyone else."

I nod along to what she's saying as I take sips of water, not really comprehending it. Clarke notices and offers me a small smile, putting her hand on my arm.

"Raven is here too, by the way."

"What?" I ask, a frown on my face.

"She's okay," Clarke comforts, "she's getting better."


"If you wanna go see her..." Clarke trails off and turns her head to where Raven lies in a hammock, her arms hugging her body as she sleeps.

I look away from Raven and to the floor, shaking my head. Clarke frowns slightly but gives a small nod and pats my arm once more.

"Get some more rest, okay? Bellamy and I have everything covered."

I nod, knowing I wouldn't be of much use anyway.

Clarke leaves me as I lay down again, closing my eyes and trying to block out the sounds of heavy breathing and coughing from around me.

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