Chapter 7.

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I rub my slightly sore wrist as I stand around the large fire we made in the camp. Murphy had made a knife using scrap metal he found from the Dropship, which he used not only to scratch the death threat to Wells, but also to pry off my wristband.

Let me tell you something, that hurt like a fucking bitch.

So, after about half an hour of Murphy trying to find a knack for how to take it off, some of the others decided to get theirs taken off too, especially after a few compelling words from Bellamy and myself.

"Who's next?" Bellamy yells as the crowd cheers at another success.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wells limps over to us, and Bellamy places a hand on Mbege when he steps forward.

"We're liberating ourselves, what does it look like?"

"It looks like you're trying to get us all killed." Wells pauses before speaking louder to the whole crowd. "The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we've got. Take them off and the Ark will think we're dying—that's it's not safe for them to follow."

"That's the point, Chancellor." Bellamy smirks, "We can take care of ourselves, can't we?"

"Yeah!" Everyone replies.

"You think this is a game?" Wells grow agitated. "Those aren't just our friends, and our parents up there! They're our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don't care what he tells you, we won't survive here on our own."

"Those farmers, doctors and engineers weren't born with their knowledge." I say, stepping forward. "We can learn those skills, we can work together to make our own community."

"But," Wells continues, "if it really is safe, how could you not want the rest of our people to come down?"

"My people, already are down." Bellamy gestures to all of us before pointing up to the sky. "Those people, locked my people up. Those people, killed my mother for the crime of having a second child." Bellamy walks closer to Wells and I stand on guard in case this ends in a fight. "Your father did that."

"My father didn't write the laws."

"No. He enforced them." I say as I step forward. "Even when it came to his own son." Wells narrows his eyes at me but it's the truth. "If we were still up on the Ark, then the day you turn eighteen your own father would've floated you, Wells. Are you seriously okay with that?"

"It's the law." Wells pushes. "It's always been that."

"Not anymore, not here." Bellamy tells him, "Here, there are no laws. Here, we do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want."

A chorus of 'Yeahs' run through the crowd.

"You don't have to like it Wells. You can even try to stop it, or change it, kill me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want."

From behind us, Murphy raises his arms in the air and yells, "Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!" I chant with him and soon enough, everyone is doing it.

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

A crash of thunder sounds from above, starling a few people and stopping our chant. I look up just in time to see and feel water fall from the sky.


I smile to myself as the rain water drips down my face and my body, soaking me but I don't even care.

"We need to collect this." Wells says to Bellamy.

"Whatever the hell you want."

Everyone cheers and jumps around as the rain falls, and I watch as Wells walks away, most likely to find something to collect the water in.

I sigh before going to follow him, but I'm stopped by a hand on my arm.

"Where are you going?" Bellamy asks, the light from the fire illuminating his face.

"He may be a privileged ass, but Wells can't do all the hard work by himself. That isn't fair."

Bellamy shakes his head as he stares at me. "I really can't figure you out."

I turn on my heel to follow Wells, muttering to myself, "That's the point."

I follow Wells into the drop ship, and he turns once he hears my boots squelching from the rain.

"If you've come to--"

"Relax." I cut him off. "I'm not here for round two, I'm here to help collect the water." He gives me an odd look and I raise an eyebrow, "Unless you wanna do it by yourself?"

Wells reluctantly gives in, and we manage to find some stuff around the drop ship that will hold the water, and we quickly place them outside before the rain stops.

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