He was looking here and there, avoiding eye contact with me.

My mate is so shy. But I was not having any of it. I held his chin and made him look into my eyes. His whole body quivered at the physical contact.

I could hear his heartbeat sky rocketing, he needs to calm down or he'll have a heart attack.

I pulled him closer to me once again and hugged him tight. His head came till my chest.

He's so small. My little mate.

I weaved my hand through his hair while my other was around his waist. I knew if I don't hold him, he'll fall down.

He was clutching on my shirt so hard I'm sure it will have wrinkles on it. But I didn't care, my mate was getting calm. I can't allow him to have a panic attack.

He buried his nose in my chest and breathed heavily. I was having a hard time controlling myself from doing something that we'll regret later. His close proximity was affecting me big time and he didn't even know. I just stood there, letting him calm himself down.

"We just have to walk a little and we'll reach there." My mate mumbled into my chest. His voice is angelic. I can listen to him talk forever.

How will I reject him?

"Take me there." I ordered him and pulled away from him completely. I have to be strong. He got startled by my sudden change in demeanor. He stared at my face but I managed to maintain a cold look. His eyes welled up with tears. He walked past me signalling me to follow him.

I wanted nothing more than to take him in my arms and kiss his tears away but I didn't. I followed him and soon we reached his house. We went inside and he offered me a glass of water which I politely refused.

He drank the water instead. He held the glass with both his hands while drinking because he was nervous.

I could tell he is a low ranked wolf, that's why it was so hard for him to maintain his composure in the presence of a royal who happens to be his mate.

Some water spilled down from the glass, travelling down to his chin and then neck. My eyes fixed on the droplet that traveled down his neck. He caught me staring at him and turned red. He could give competition to Berry when it comes to blushing.

I'm not complaining though.

But he did one wrong move. He bit his lower lip out of nervousness and that action was not missed by me. All the control that I had snapped and in a blink of a second, I had him pinned on the sofa of his living room, the glass of water, fell on the floor somewhere.

We kissed. Hard. The fireworks exploded and I was on cloud nine. This is what it feels like to be with your other half? This is heaven on earth. If I die right now, I'll die a happy man. His eyes were shut close and he was trying to keep up with my pace but failed miserably. I could tell it was his first kiss and both my beast and I were very pleased to know that.

He moaned into the kiss and I lost the control over my body and my beast took over. I speared my tongue inside his mouth and tasted him.

My mate is the sweetest I've ever tasted.

He started to struggle and scratched my back and I pulled my mouth away from his. I understood he wanted time to breathe. I made my way towards his neck sucking harshly. I bit his skin occasionally which made him yelp out in pain which I soothed instantly by licking it. I made sure to leave marks on his neck that won't fade away easily.

Have mate! Have mate right now!

My beast was chanting continuously. And I agreed.

I got off the sofa and gathered him in my arms which made him open his eyes. He was about to ask what am I doing but I shut him up by slamming my lips to his once again.

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