Chapter 18

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After a while Beckham moved over to the table and started doing work. That's another thing I've learned about him in the past few months. He works like crazy.

I guess he only cut his work short so he could spend time with me.

I decided to take a nap seeing as we still had about 4 hours left. When I woke up Beckham was still working. Now I don't know what to do for the rest of the flight so I decide to pick up my phone and text the group chat that I have with Ruth, Julie, and Geo. We talk for a while, I tell them about the flight attendant, Hawaii Five-O, me falling asleep with Beckham and how I still have two hours left on this long flight. Ruth was the first to respond.

Ruth: Hang in their baby. Soon you will be in paradise with your sexy boss that also happens to be your ex.

Me: Paradise sounds nice. I rather have you guys with me than the sexy boss. We would have more fun.

Geo: My wife and I will chaperone.

Ruth: Lol😂 We all know you and Julie are the worst ones out of us.

I don't say anything, but I think Ruth definitely takes first.

Julie: This is coming from the girl who's best friend was sleeping with her boss and didn't know.

What did this have to do with me? I didn't say anything. I bet they were just waiting to use that against me.

Me: I thought he was a masseuse! He said he was a masseuse and his last name was Hansen😡

Julie: Excuses! You told us what happened in the office.

Me: And now I am regretting it.

Me: But I also told you how he threatened to fire your husband.

Geo: Thank you for sticking up for me.

Me: No problem. I need someone on that floor to talk to.

Ruth: You have me.

Me: You aren't on the floor with us.

Ruth: Wow😐

Julie: Don't worry, I'm not even in the same building.

After more arguing and pointless conversations, I decide I should assure that everything is in order for when we land.

"Do you need anything, Mr. Heights?" I ask casually from the couch. "Do you want me to confirm the meetings in Hawaii or make sure our reservations are ok?"

"No," he replies standing up and making his way over to me. "Everything is in order."

I let out a breath when his hand falls onto my thigh and drags down my calf to my feet. Without warning he pulls my leg causing me to fall back on the couch. Chuckling he props my knees up and settles in between my thighs, his obvious erection pressed against me.

I hate my body. I hate how it reacts to him. I hate how much I can't control it. But I hate and love how he feels. And the way he makes me feel.

His soft kisses trail across my neck and I make no attempt to push him off as he begins to slide my shirt up. His hands slip underneath me, gripping my waist. Gently, he places a kiss against my stomach just above the waistband of my tights. Moving his trail of kisses up my body, he pushes up my shirt to reveal my lace bra.

His eyes glaze over with heat, his tongue coming out to flick against my lace covered nipple. My mind drifts to all the naughty things I know Beckham can do with that tongue. But it doesn't need to go there.

Tilting his head up to me, I lock eyes with him. "We have less than an hour on this flight," I whisper.

"What does that mean?"

I don't even know what it means, but I need something to get my mind off of this. Off of the pain it will eventually cause. The pain that has already been caused.

"Beckham, I can't."

Closing my eyes, I push back my emotions. I feel him pull back and freeze as the tears I try to trap manage to slip through.

"Tatum? Hey, Baby, don't cry." He wipes away my tears and kisses my cheek. "I understand, come here."

Sitting up, Beckham pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me in a warm embrace. I return the gesture, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder.

I snuggle closer as he drags his hands down my back in a soothing motion. "We can just stay like this."

Ok, so I did fall for him in a month and I'm currently still falling. Beckham Heights personality is no different from the man I spent a month with. At least when it comes to me. I've seen the way he acts with other woman in the office, but when he interacts with me I can only see my Beckham. The corny, annoying and loving man who looked after me and made sure I was happy and had everything I needed.

I snuggle closer and remain on his lap with my head rested in the nook of his neck. I don't know how long we stay like this, but eventually the stewardess comes back informing Beckham that the pilot would like to speak with him.

He pulls back and places a kiss to my forehead. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

Smiling, I climb off his lap and sit back onto the couch, pulling my knee to my chest and crossing the other underneath me. Beckham places another kiss to my cheek before walking off. The stewardess stays, smiling at Beckham until he's out of sight and then turning to me with a disgusted look.

Honestly, what did I do to her?

"I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you?"

She finally speaks her mind. "You think just because he's taking you on a business trip to Hawaii that he's yours? You are just another one of his disposable girls. He'll be finished with you as soon as he realizes your pussy isn't gold."

"Do you really want him that bad?" I scoff. Wow she's ridiculous.

"I'm what he wants he just hasn't realized it."

She's psycho.

"If you believe that what is your problem? You want him and he wants you, go take him because I promise you I'm not keeping you from him." But I am the one keeping myself from him.

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