Chapter 13

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That voice. I recognize that voice. My head snaps up and she turns around.

What the hell? Tatum? Tatum is my new assistant.

After a second she finally turns around and sits in the chair in front of me.

"Mr. Heights, it is very nice to meet you," she says so sweetly it makes my stomach hurt. Or maybe it's the fact that my girlfriend, who I have been lying to about my identity, is sitting in front of me.

Austin does not need to know that I already know who Tatum is. "It's nice to meet you as well, Miss..."

"Tatum Kingston." Austin says smiling at her.

"Thank you for my new assistant, Austin, that will be all." I don't like the way he is looking at her and he knows it.

He smirks and stands up, giving Tatum a once over before walking out and closing the door behind him. Asshole.

Now I need to sort things out with my girlfriend who's currently staring at me, not saying a word.


"So what do you want me to start with Mr. Heights?"

I don't miss the way she put emphasis on my last name. "Tatum."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a notebook and pen. She wants to play this game. I can play. "First thing I need you to do is talk to me."

"You wanna talk? Fine, lets talk," she bites out. Then she finally lets everything out.

"Before I met you, it took me months to let a guy walk me home, longer to come in, even longer to spend the night. Now guess how long it took for me to have sex with them."

The water begins to fill her eyes, and watching her makes my chest tighten.

"I had sex with you after knowing you less than 20 minutes. I let you drive me home and come into my house. You spent the night almost everyday of the week.

Her control snaps as she stands to her feet and slams her palms onto my desk. "We had sex this morning without a condom," she growls. "We've been together for a month and you've been lying about your identity the whole time."

She closes her eyes and her tears slip through. "You wanna know what was so funny, right? I'll tell you." Watery eyes lock with mine. "I haven't been with a lot of men sexually. I've dated a few, enough to make me put up walls as high as Mount Everest. I made men wait because I was hurt multiple times before. Some of them didn't like the rules or didn't understand them, but as far as I know they didn't lie to me. At least not about something so trivial as their real identity."

She backs off and picks up her purse. "The one time I let my guard down and bend my rules...You knew who I was. You fired Carl for me. But I don't even care about that Beckham. I wanted YOU. Was any of it real? Or was it all just some character you liked to play? Beckham Hansen the masseuse. It was all a game to you."

It wasn't. "Sugarlips!"

"Don't you dare! Don't call me that."

More tears begin to stream down her face. I don't want her crying. I stand up and walk around my desk to her. She crosses her arms tilts her head up building up her guard to protect herself. I grab her waist and pull her into me. My defiant little queen.

"If you think there is going to be anything between us you are highly mistaken."

With a sigh, I wipe her tears, then place my head on top of hers. "I'm sorry, baby."

She cups my cheek and rubs her thumb over my cheekbone. "I am too." Stepping out of my grip, she adjusts herself and wipes her eyes and nose with a tissue from my desk. "Just email or text me what you will need me to do. I'll be in my office." Those are her final words as she leaves the room.

I stand there with my foot in my mouth, because I have nothing to say. I fucked up bad. I should've told her sooner. Honestly what would have happened then? She would get mad at me for lying and then just break up with me anyways. At least I had this long with her.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing. The temptation to throw it across the room overwhelms me. Instead, I go back to my seat and pick it up going back to business.

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