Chapter 45 - Repeat After Me

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'He was right'  I admit to myself grudgingly. I've got a fair bit of a pong going on after a few days of sweating under the sun. My pores are chock full of fine red dust and dried-out cattle poo.

The little gorge is surrounded by a strand of Red Ash trees and I've picked a heap of leaves. When crushed and mixed with water? They create a natural soapy lather that's excellent for bush baths and clothes washing.

I drape my laundered clothes over some bushes to dry. Dig out some clean undies and a singlet from my bag. Set up my swag then gather some wood for a fire later tonight. Cos it's bound to be a cold one yet again.

My makeshift overnight camp is now all set up.

Linty is happily grazing on some bush grass that's sprouted up after recent rains. So I find a comfy spot under the shade of some trees and park my butt on a bed of leaves for a spell.

Start to make a little mental list of what I need to do once I get back to Georgia:

1.  Collect Eye and cuddle the hell out of him;

2.  Barricade your....his  bedroom door so you can't go in and smother yourself to death in his pillows;

3.  Drink responsibly and remember to eat. Chocolate....lots and lots of chocolate;

4.  Stop crying;

5.  Dispose of the note you left;

6.  Stop feckin crying already!;

7.  Go and see Mel;

8.  Something or other....;

9.  Tell the hospital you won't be coming back;


11.  Take the clothes to Goodwill yourself and put out the trash for recycling. Don't forget your bike helmet;

12.  Something, something....blahblahfeckinsomethingblah.

Half my mind wandered off and the other half got lost when it went searching for it.

Tried my hardest not to let my eyes close, except it's about five days past my bedtime by now. My lids totally ignore all the death threats I throw at them and roll their way down.

And like the movies that Grampy used to project on the back porch every Saturday night? My own little horror flick made its merry way to the big screen.

You know the one? Where the leading lady is cornered. Trapped by the crazed killer who's wielding the knife that'll stab her over and over again in her heart. All the while chanting....

"Love you, Fin. I love you...."

Blahblahfeckinsomethingblah  😭


"What is it, Linty?"

I'm startled awake by her growing whinnies. She stepped over my bare legs, starting a little dance as her head shook.

In the distance is a gathering cloud of dust. Isn't a willy-willy as there seems to be a central core to it.

And it's moving bloody fast....straight towards us.

I can just make out the horse and now the rider. Isn't one of my cousins, too light-skinned to be one of them.

A Pale Rider....

Has Clint Eastwood found his way to Yampilil? No....he's Kami's leading fantasy man. Not mine.

And besides, Clint wouldn't be wearing a baseball cap and sunnies? Toting a bulging backpack, along with a canvas duffle and a neon orange chiller bag strapped to the saddle?

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz