Popsicle (Lime)

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((So, this was made in my other one-shot book but I am copying my shitty idea to make it into a Grumbo one-shot. Y'all sinning boys reading this are gonna bust a nut-))


"Popsicles! Stress is handing out free popsicles! Come on, Mumbo! Let's go!" Grian proclaims in an extremely eager tone. He proceeds to tug on Mumbo's suit for him to move from his cooler hobbit base to the muggy outdoors.

"But Grian," Mumbo complains back. "It's so hot!"

"And that's the point of free popsicles!" Grian finally shoved the raven Hermit outside. With his door absent because of Grian's Hermit Challenge, it entitles Grian to easily shove Mumbo outside in the bustling rays of the sun.

Upon entering outside in the intensely warm atmosphere, Mumbo squints his eyes and raises his hand to block the sudden light. Grian heads next to his side and begins to tug on his black suit once more.

"Come on!" Grian smiles brightly. His smile puts the blazing sun to shame. If Mumbo didn't have a massive crush on the adorable boy, he would have rejected all the begging and slither into his bed's loving arms.

Gosh, Mumbo is a massive mood, just craving to crawl under his welcoming sheets and sleep only when the sun is radiating the land.

"Fine," Mumbo sighs in pure defeat, finally giving into submission since he knew he couldn't tackle that cute, genuine smile. Grian hands Mumbo a few rockets before soaring into the sky.

Mumbo watches as he circles around to wait for his friend, so Mumbo decides to hurry the process up. "Let's just get this done and over with," Mumbo mutters and launches his squealing rockets to follow Grian.


When they landed at the chaotic Shopping District, which is located on a mushroom biome island, Stress waves at the two with a beaming smile from her temporary, wooden stand.

Everyone seems to be around, casually talking together, which is bringing the scorching outside into an active environment. It was pleasant to see everyone hanging out casually, taking a break from their bases and PvP during this intense temperature.

Grian wasn't hesitant to run towards the simple popsicle stand. His sweater is beginning to soak in sweat near the upper half. The boy quickly removes his sweater to divulge a white tank top, then wraps his ruby sweater around his waist. 

Mumbo didn't want to admit that Grian is miraculously attractive. He may have a smaller frame, but man, did he have some muscle in his tanner biceps from all the grinding of resources and building for years. 

"Mumbo, your gay is showing," Iskall lightly punches Mumbo to make the raven veer his homosexual thoughts away from Grian. He looks at Iskall, blinking his eyes as they begin to realize that he was staring. "You look like you are going to puke up a rainbow." Iskall chuckles at his side. 

His lime green sweater and darker vest is gone, which reveals an army green tank top to hug his bulky body. Mumbo takes a glance at Iskall, wondering why everyone has so much muscle. Mumbo was merely a twig compared to Iskall and Doc, despite his skyscraper height. 

"Uhm- I didn't mean-" Mumbo makes an effort to defend himself, but it only resulted in having his words tripping over one another. Iskall grins widely and wraps one of his tough arms around Mumbo's neck.

"No need to freak out, dude. Maybe you should cool down before you pass out. Go get a popsicle or either wise you will be limited in the flavor selection," Iskall begins to haul Mumbo towards the little wooden booth that is next to Grian's Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo participation sign-up building. 

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