Coming Home

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(Inspired by "Coming Home" by Falling In Reverse. HIGHLY suggest the song, please, it will only take about five minutes of your time and will probably leave you in tears if you listen closely. This oneshot a Modern Day AU)

Mariner 9 is a real, successful NASA satellite but for the sake of this oneshot, I decided to make that satellite a failure on reaching Mars. It will make more sense once you read and if you are a space geek such as myself :p


"We miss you, Grian-!... We hope your trip back to Earth is a safe one!"

Static. Then the holographic message, the transmission video feed that somehow sent through space to reach him, glitches before restarting once again.

"We miss you, Grian-!... We hope your trip back to Earth is a safe one!"

The video has Xisuma, Stress, Mumbo, and Iskall holding a large wooden sign that has a picture of Grian in his NASA astronaut spacesuit, hugging all of his long-missed Hermits. The four yell out the first sentence before getting cut shortly with Doc, False, Ren, Impulse, and Joe joining the video by bounding into view.

Then everyone together yells "We hope your trip back is a safe one!" before the feed turns into static for a solid minute before replaying.

Grian cuts the video feed so it would stop its constant repeating. He can feel a tear dribbling down his cheek. The surrounding universe around him is completely silent, leaving only Grian's breathing to be the only noise to fill the dreading silence.

His breath accidentally makes fog attach itself to his glass helmet. He doesn't bother to make an effort to clear it since there was nothing for him now.

All he can see is the infinite universe and stars as far as his eyes can see. The little dots and spirals seem so close, nearly from his reach, but he feels so lonely since they are absently millions of miles away.

So many shades of purples blend with the stretched black space. Little dots sprinkle everywhere he looks, some being more vibrant in color than others that are duller.

They are thoroughly everywhere. Space was a lot brighter than Grian originally thought since all the tiny stars and galaxies swirling bring the endless black into a state of life by shining so brilliantly, it was unbelievable.

Drifting alone in space, supplied with a low amount of oxygen, was not something Grian was planning, nor did he ever want to wish this upon himself.

But here he was, stuck in a spacesuit with no one around, plunged into space without control of where he is going. He is very limited on moving, but there was no point in moving because it wouldn't alter the slow motioned, random direction he was going.

So, he just stayed in one position, hoping a satellite would pick up his distress signal he sent out. He has tried multiple times to reach out to anyone. All signals sent out were not received or got lost into between the stars.

There was nothing for him except for two things.

One is the video he received, created by his friends. The other being a photo he fondly loves. His friends back on Earth made a video for him before his task failed. He was surprised when his suit received the transmission.

It may be full of static and kept glitching occasionally, but it still warmed his heart every time he watched it no matter the number of times it would refuse to load properly.

His friends care about him. They miss him so much and they wished Grian the safest flight.

Grian was tasked, with three other random men, to fix a large satellite that failed to reach Mars. He was sent out since he offered to handle the chore. The four journeyed in a slim rocketship for about a month to reach the machine, Mariner 9 as it's called.

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