Markers (Angst)

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"Greetings, Mumbo! Would you care for a peppermint this afternoon?"

"No thank you, Jevin. Today is my husband's birthday and I must at least deliver the flowers. Maybe another time."

"Alrighty, then! I hope your visit is swell!" Jevin waves from behind the receptionist counter, smiling pitifully at Mumbo, who's a really frequent visitor. Every doctor and receptionist recognizes Mumbo at this point because of his many visits. Mumbo respectively nods at Jevin as a silent 'thanks' before heading down the twin looking white corridors.

A beautiful bundle of small daisies, stargazing lilies, and plumerias are held in his grip, swinging around gingerly for every step he takes on the square tiles. The miniature stickers of cartoon animals swim on the lower half of the walls because of the little kids that roam around. If he gets lucky, he would pass by marker scribbles of little kids holding their parent's hands with huge smiley faces before the janitors wipe them clean. 

Mumbo turns down the right path, less crowded area, before taking a halt in front of a specific door. The number is always imprinted inside of his head so he will never forget it.

Room 208.

He knocks on the door and presses his ear against it. A faint "come in" calls softly from the other side. His hand reaches down to twist the metal handle and he enters into the hospital room with the squealing door opening. 

Grian instantly gasps at the sight of the flourishing plants in Mumbo's hand. Mumbo closes the door behind him and walks towards Grian. 

"Mumbo, you know you didn't have to," Grian sets his book page first down onto his lap. The alluring ring on his fourth finger glistens softly under the gentle hue of the afternoon sun gliding through the thin curtains. Mumbo strolls next to Grian and grabs the empty vase from the cabinet next to the heart monitor, which wasn't on thankfully. 

"Come on, love, you know I give you flowers every year, whether it is Valentine's Day or our anniversary," Mumbo inserts the stems into the vase before heading over to the sink and other cabinets.

"I know, but I feel bad. I just don't want to waste any of your money or time," Grian's voice falls flat before stopping. Mumbo turns the red faucet nozzle to pour warm water into the glass vase.

"Now, why would you think like that? All the money and time I spend on you is never wasted. I love every minute we have together, and every penny I spend for you is worth it," Mumbo turns the faucet off and sets the vase next to Grian's bed. He gives Grian a gentle kiss on his forehead and the ill man couldn't help but giggle endearingly with so much innocence. 

Mumbo pulls out a pack of Crayola markers from his pocket. Grian gasps with sudden sparkles in his blue eyes.

"Mumbo, they are going to kick you out again!"

"Let them. I don't care," Mumbo grabs one of Grian's hands, presumably the one with his engagement ring on it. Grian sets his book next to him and shuffles off of his mattress. Mumbo lifts his hand high so he doesn't stumble by mistake. Then, he kisses the back of Grian's hand after he finished to endeavor his stance as he smiles brightly. 

"Mumbooo," Grian whines out with a playful grin. Mumbo softly laughs to himself and brings Grian to one of the walls near the door. They sit down on the ground, Mumbo opening the packet of colorful markers. Grian grabs the red one first and pulls the cap off.

"I seriously hope I don't get banned from doing this... again," Mumbo tenderly chuckles and grabs ahold of the black marker in the pack. Grian waves it off while blowing a small raspberry from his mouth.

"Nah, it should be fine. Cub wouldn't mind." 

"You said that last time," Mumbo adds in, pulling the lid off and applying it to stick to the bottom of the marker.

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