Coming Home (ALTERNATE ENDING - Angst)

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((So, this has been on my mind greatly and I really wanted to do the angst Alternate ending, the one if I followed the music video. Go read the previous Coming Home oneshot if you do not understand because this is only going to be the ending, not the entire chapter again. Enjoy!))


The corner of Grian's lips curve upwards in a slight smile. He turns off the transmission feed once more so he can rummage inside of his thoughts and memories. He shuts his eyes, not caring if the darkness around him hovers around his conscious mind.

He felt weak, fatigued, and wary. His oxygen tank is nearly empty at this point of time, all feeling needs of hope to be found pointless now.

He could've been keeping his eyes shut for minutes or hours, he couldn't really tell. He only dazed around in all of the amazing memories with friends and family. The moments play inside of his head like a movie film. He wishes he can just leave his nightmare of a reality and hop inside of his memories.

The fantasy life Grian wished for shattered without his control. He had the choice of going to space, sure, but he didn't think that this scenario, out of all of them, would happen. He felt this scenario to be the rarest one, the one that would least likely happen out of all of them.

The rest of the scenarios were as listed.

1. Go to space, complete the mission, return home to his husband and daughter with new money. Grian can care less about the money, he only wishes to see the ones he loves again.

2. Not going to space at all. It was his decision to go after all and he was willing to go fix that failed satellite with bravery and determination coursing through his veins.

3. The mission would get postponed or possibly cancelled because of an epidemic or issue, resulting for the entire event of launching into space to be possibly cancelled.

It was that moment when he felt something dragging him along when he felt his eyes peeling open with hope. He didn't realize the amount of time that he has been drifting around. He only assumed it was for a long while because of his starvation and low oxygen levels.

And what was in front of him took him by full surprise. Earth. Grian can practically imagine himself reaching out to touch it. It was a large, blue marble in the vast darkness of nothing but speckled dots and cloud dust. He will never forget the image, it was incredibly beautiful to experience this without having to search an image on Google.

He reached out with a new, hoping shine to his dark eyes. The feeling of happiness bubbled within his blue eyes but then more reality came heaving down to his entire body. It crushed his only ray of joy since he knew that he was stuck in a horrible situation.

Suddenly, he felt his helmet receive static through his communicator that is attached within his suit. His heart leaps inside of his chest as he begins to try to connect with a radio feed or some sort of transmission wave.

There were voices in the static. The voices were inaudible and hard to decipher the words, but he can faintly hear it in his ears. He thought he might have been delusional about this entire thing.

But no. He was right there, coming close to the planet Earth. Panic began to surge inside of Grian's bones. His last drop of delight was now replaced with horror. He tries to make his NASA suit connect to a nearby satellite so he can call for an emergency channel.

Grian couldn't believe this. Earth was right there as he kept drawing nearer. He can hardly move as the voices continue to be filled with static.

He refuses to believe this, being dragged by the gravitational force of his home planet. But as his demise continues to haul forward, he began to finally accept it.


"Papa! Papa!" Little Evelyn whines as she looks up at her tall dad. Mumbo smiles down at the little girl. He places his black pen down, being utterly bored with the tax bills and checks sprawled against the wooden dining table.

"Yes Evelyn?" Mumbo leans forward to grab underneath the girl's arms. He lifts her up as she squeals before he sets the girl on his black coated lap.

"I wanna go outside, papa," the adopted girl keeps her animated, innocent grin. Mumbo raises his larger hand to gently stroke her thin brunette strands of long hair.

"It is nearly dark outside. You should be heading to bed soon if anything," said Mumbo, poking his forefinger against her nose while saying a quick "boop!"

"Bu-... I wanna to go ou'side, pwease?" Evelyn drops her smile as she stares at Mumbo with large eyes. Mumbo glimpsed at his taxes before releasing a long, heavy sigh of dread.

His lips twitch on a smile, his tired eyes looking back over to his daughter. "Alright. Just for a little bit. Let's go into the backyard."

The girl squeals, her tiny form shuffling off of Mumbo's legs and running over to the back door. Mumbo stands up from his chair with a small groan. He needed a long break since doing taxes for hours was not his ideal way to spend his free time.

They head out to the backyard after shutting all of the lights in their home. They sit on the flourishing grass that is fenced in, staring at the black enveloped sky. Evelyn has her head lounging on Mumbo's lap as she points at the brightest of stars. Mumbo gingerly runs his hands through her hair, patting her occasionally while glancing at the sky above him.

"I miss Gri, papa..." Evelyn lifts both of her hands to the sky. She keeps imagining that she can touch the little balls of light. She wants to become an astronaut, just like her other dad.

"I miss him too. He is coming home soon, don't worry Evelyn," Mumbo lays his back down on the dirt. "Hopefully..." He felt the urge to stare at the sky consume him.

Suddenly, a illuminated light breaks the tranquil, twilight infested enviroment. A bright shooting star rips across the sky above them while leaving an equally bright streak following behind it. Evelyn gasps, yelling out while pointing at it with broad eyes.

It blinks out, like a light bulb turning off. The shooting star left just as fast as it arrived. Mumbo sighs with content. They continue to gaze at the sky for a few more minutes before heading back inside, saying how amazing that was since it's not always common to see a clear shooting star.

That was the last time Grian was seen.

Grumbo Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें