Valentine's Day (Fluff ❤)

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"Hello, Mumbo!" NPC Grian yells with a giant, beaming smile stretched along his lips. Mumbo groans momentarily and slams his forehead on one of the pistons of the new machine he is building for Iskall. This is not how he wanted to enjoy the day before Valentine's Day. Valentine's Eve if you will.

"I told you to stay in your sandbox thing and build your sandcastle," Mumbo growls before pulling out a redstone block into his hold. NPC tilts his head, dropping his smile and acting like a confused canine.

"I got bored!" NPC says shortly, his smile perking right back to his face. Mumbo sets the redstone block down and shuffles over to one of the many observers.

NPC runs over to the contraption, swings himself up and hangs his body, scaring the daylights out of Mumbo when he swings his upside-down face towards Mumbo. NPC giggles, his hair hanging as his red replica t-shirt (Gifted by Grian himself) flops down to divulge his skin on his stomach.

"Why can't you hang out with Evil Xisuma or something? You two are good friends!" Mumbo growls and places down another piston. He widens his eyes when the piston shoots up before he looks around the dozens of comparators to see why the piston got activated and what his mistake was.

"Grian wanted you to watch over me, remember!? You are honestly fun!" NPC continues on with occasional giggles, still hanging upside down. Since he was a malfunctioned robot who accidentally broke the code, he can hang upside without any blood rushing to his head or experience any sort of pain. 

Mumbo creases his eyebrows downwards and begins to rub the temples of his forehead, gritting his teeth behind his lips to avoid showing NPC how agitated he is beginning to feel. NPC flips upwards and hops down, landing behind Mumbo and giving Mumbo a big hug despite the height difference. 

The raven-haired Hermit pushes NPC off his lanky figure with a huge frown, trying to concentrate on his ice creating machine since Iskall requested it for Sahara.

"Seriously, why did my boyfriend ask me to take care of you?" Mumbo asks with a sigh of exasperation, running a hand through his obsidian dark hair and pulling a plastic bag full of redstone dust. He uses his forefingers and thumb to grab a pinch full and start to sprinkle the red dust across the grass blocks. 

NPC watches with wide eyes, his gaze sparkling with little cartoon stars in fascination. Mumbo can feel the pair of eyes staring him down, but he proceeds to sprinkle redstone in a straight line across from one redstone torch to a repeater.

"Grian wants you to know that your redstone abilities are amazing!" NPC begins, chirping and closing his eyes with delight. He sits down while crossing his legs, leaning forward with a cute, innocent smile playing on his lips.

Mumbo sighs and watches as the little line of redstone meet the repeater, but since the redstone torch isn't lit up, the redstone and repeater isn't lit up.

Redstone dust, when activated, gets extremely hot. Mumbo learned that the hard way and touched redstone dust while it was activated once too many times in the past. He becomes careful, warning the NPC not to light the torch or he is going to drop-kick the robot to space.

"Mumbo!" NPC calls out, making Mumbo flinch and drop a handful of red dust by mistake. He sighs loudly and groans, not wanting to collect and scoop up the dust from the grass, so he moved on to the next part, trying to be clear that he doesn't want NPC Grian around.

"What do you want?" Mumbo pushes a sticky piston down to avoid it getting stuck in a dispenser. He pulls on it, getting his fingers all over the slime before gagging at the sudden feeling of glue-like slime slowly sliding down his fingers.

He cracks his knuckles, shrugs his blazer off to toss it to the side, and rolls up his white dress shirt with the slime still on his fingers, meaning he got the sleeves of his white shirt to stain green.

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