Coffee and Flower Crowns - Part 2 (Fluff)

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°•Mumbo's POV•°

Today was a little chilly, but I came prepared. The autumn weather is approaching quicker than I would like. The pumpkin flavors are going to start popping up in the café within the next week or so.

I keep checking my watch. I spent half an hour to get out of the city. I'm not entirely sure how long I have been walking around and sitting on the freezing park benches.

My hands are wrapped around his usual drink and a brown bag with new pumpkin sweets that I got out of stock early. I paid for it all so I can just show my appreciation for him.

A small breeze hits my cheeks, causing me to shiver at the cold contact. The ends of my striped scarf around my neck gently glide with the wind as it passes by. I wasn't really cold but a shiver would frequently make it's way down my spine now and then.

"Hey, Mumbo!" I heard the familiar voice, turning my head to look down the gravel pathway that stretches around the park. He smiles warmly with his same red sweater, but with a black jacket overlapping it.

The flower crown remained on his head, followed with the rainbow feathered necklace that swayed with the breeze. His purple wings are tucked behind his back and not spread out. A plain colored satchel hung around his smaller figure and ended at his hips.

I wonder what's inside.

He sits down beside me, beaming his usual joyful expression. I struggle to figure out what to say next and awkwardly hand out the items I bought for him.

"I-I just want to say thanks for coming in- uh often. You are r-really nice to me and very patient. I thought I should m-maybe get you something i-in return-"

Oh, goodness me. Why do my lips fail to stop stuttering?

Grian giggles like he did the day prior, which sent my heart to beat like a rapid drum. He grabs the items from my hold gently. His hands are warm as he takes the items slowly from my grip like he is contemplating if he wants to hold my hands or not.

"You didn't have to, Mumbo. But, thank you. That makes me really happy," he then suddenly stands up, items in his grasp. "Mumbo, can you follow me?"

"I- pardon?"

"Can you follow me somewhere? I want to bring you somewhere and give you something in return!" Grian begins to head off. I scramble onto my feet and follow closely beside him. He walks down the gravel path, leading into the more dense area of the woods. "Now, I don't see people come to this part often, so don't spoil this for me."

Grian veers off to the right, off of the trail, surprising me before I stumble to follow his quick pace. He weaves through a few thick trees that are coated in nothing but color-changing leaves, reaching into a clearing after a minute of leaves crunching under our feet.

The opening was a small, lush patch of grass with a small creek passing through the middle. Nature seemed to be undisturbed here, except for the little hammock that rested between two trees on the other side of the patch, just past the miniature creek. A small ring of stones was next to the hammock, full of nothing but ashes and twigs.

"It's nothing much, but I hope you like it. I generally come here to relax and read a book," Grian hops over the little stream of water to reach the hammock. I do so without struggling, thankfully. That would be embarrassing if I slipped and fell into a meekly, little water stream.

He sets the items I gave him next to the small, man-made fire pit. He sits down on the grass blades in front of the hammock, patting the spot beside him to signal me to sit down. I do as I am silently told, sitting down next to Grian a little farther than I hope.

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