Chapter Five

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******Life is hard for two reasons;Either you're leaving your comfort zone or because you are staying in it

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Life is hard for two reasons;
Either you're leaving your comfort zone or because you are staying in it.


Asad's P.O.V.

We had reached her place, the tangled neighborhoods with their alleys and greystones. The streets rang with the clamour of wagon wheels and the iron-shod hooves of horses.
The few struggly trees that endured the chimneys' smoke glowed red with fall colour.

I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery- air, hills, trees, people.

Just then, the caller-tune of my phone startled me.
I parked the car aside, as I swiped the green accept button and kept my phone near the ear, ready to be reprimanded.

"Asad! I have been trying to call for the past 20 minutes, where are you?" Came her sweet voice.
"Am busy, there might have been some network problem." I replied smiling.

"busy? I brought your favorite paneer Tikka!" She exclaimed.
"I'll be there before lunch, you can take the key from Austin but... the house is a little mess."

Vinay held my shoulder, asking me who it is with hand signals.
I rolled my eyes and mouthed ,"Mehreen Bhabhi."

He smiled taking the phone from me as I started the car again, and resumed driving.
I looked at Zoya, fiddling with her fingers staring ahead.

"Which way now?" I asked her.
She looked at me, smiling and said," left and then straight ahead you will see the orphanage."
I nodded following her instructions.

I parked my car, and we all came out.
Vinay handed me the phone, telling how pissed off bhabhi would be to see the mess in my house.
The sun was hitting directly to my eye, I squinted my eyes as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Would you two like to come inside?" She asked as I turned around to face her.
No doubt she was beautiful.
The sun rays accentuated her features very well.
Her brown eyes with a hint of gold specks shone with happiness, with her right side dimpled smile as she spoke.
Vinay nudges my shoulder as I spoke," umm that's wouldn't be necessary we got to leave."

Her smile reduced a little, and how could I agree?
This is an orphanage where there are so many kids and ... And I hate kids.
She nodded but vinay stopped her from going.
"We could make an exception and just say hi to the kids?" vinay spoke.
I looked at vinay, squinting my eyes in a confused way whereas vinay just smiled tugging me inside throttling behind Zoya.

An old lady, of about 50 to 60 years came rushing outside to hug Zoya.
"Oh Zoya, are you ok?"
Zoya laughed hugging the lady saying," oh miss D'Souza, I told you nothing bad can ever happen to me."
Just then alot of kids and by alot I mean more than ten or fifteen maybe? Came rushing towards us, hugging Zoya and asking her various questions.

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