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"Barry" Kara called out on the coms that Cisco and Winn made so they could talk on different earths

"Kara, I'm fighting right now" Barry replies

"Me too but it's about our wedding"Kara answers

"This is not the best time" he tells her

"Well the caterers need a final count tomorrow
morning and not everyone rsvp'd yet" she says

"Wait who hasn't RSVP" he asked

Star city
"Hey Oliver we gotta talk,earth to Oliver" Felicity says

"I'm a little busy right now" Oliver answers

"Well it's not like your dealing with Damien darhk, I mean these are just some ninjas" she tells him

"If you were here, you might have a little respect for just some ninjas" he say

"This is serious Barry and Kara needs to know if we're going to their wedding" Felicity says

"Of course we're going" Oliver answers

"Okay so I'll RSVP yes then" she says

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"Please sir alms for the poor"Stein says

"Out the way old man. Royal business in Nottingham. It'll be your neck if we're late." The man says

Once he was finished the legends began to attack

"It's Robin Hood!" The man yells

"Not quite" Sara says

"Oh dear" stein says as a body lands by his feet

"Hey guys did we RSVP for Barry and Kara wedding" Sara asks

"We definitely did not" Jax replies

"Then that's a serious breach of courtesy"Stein says

"Wedding are the worst" mick says

"All right team we have a wedding to prepare for" Stein called out

"You know I mean I been in love with Kara since I caught her when I breached to earth 38" Barry tells Oliver
"How am I supposed to fit all that love into one vow I already written 38 pages, single spaced" he adds

"You could always speed read it" Oliver says

"No one would understand me I don't know what to do" Barry says

"Barry when you're up and look into her eyes all the word will come" he tells him
Clark walked Kara down the aisle
"Take care of my cousin" Clark tells Barry once they reached him

"Everyone please be seated. Welcome to you all,I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Kara danver. Although I don't know I know this is a good match" the Priest began
He clears his throat before talking again
Because of you all of you looking out at their friends and family and seeing the joy on all your faces ,seeing how happy you are for them tells me everything I need to know . It tells that these people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled and they deserve a long life together. Now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace" he adds

Before anyone could speak a blue beam hit the priest and soldiers dressed in black and red began walking through the church doors with guns

"Peace is overrated" the blonde Kryptonian says

"Ohh you got to be kidding me" Kara says as they crash her wedding

"Nazi's"Oliver says

"I hate nazi's" Barry, Kara and Oliver says in unison
"Kal-el get everyone out"Kara called out to her cousin

"I love you" Barry tells Kara

"I love you too" she replies before going to help

"I think it time you introduce everyone to your evil roommate"Cisco tells Caitlin

"That's what I'm talking about" mick say as we saw Caitlin turn into killerfrost

"Who are you" Kara asked the blonde

"Come find out" she replies

They flew towards each other then flew up busting through the church ceiling

While Wally and Clark is getting everyone out the rest of them are fighting the nazis

"Cisco up top, I need a breach" Oliver yells
Cisco Breaches him up to the nazi archer

The blonde krypton threw Kara back into the church, with some of the debris knocking out Cisco

"Stay down" says the Kryptonian dressed in black

Kara Thunderclapped sending the Kryptonian back to the ground and a big sound wave through the church

"Fall back" says the mystery archer as he grab the blonde off the floor
"Best wedding ever"mick yells once it was over

Everyone went back to the lab with Jax and Sara holding the mystery archer

"Kara" Barry called out

"I'm so sorry" he adds

"I know babe" Kara replies

"I'm going to marry you"Barry says

"I know" she says

Thomas-Marie-Amell  Thxs for requesting this!! I hope you like the part one. I'll publish the other parts later on today or tomorrow

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