"There, all better. Are we going to go again?" Kagome asked, getting into a battle-ready position just in case the answer was going to be yes.

"We're going to try something a bit different," Choza said as he went to go set up the weapons equipment for later.

"Different how?" Kagome asked warily.

"Ever played the game, keep away?" Inoichi asked with a no-good smirk on his face.


"Good. You are the target and you need to keep away from the incoming attacks for as long as you can." Inoichi said with a happy smile on his face.

Kagome glared at him already not liking how this was sounding, "I hate you. You've gone power crazy."

"Mwahahaha." Inoichi laughed out playfully.

Kagome sighed as she did some light stretches, "Alright, I'll bite. What am I avoiding then?"

"Shikaku," Inoichi said simply as he walked over to help Choza out.

"Wait, what?" Kagome shouted and Kushina readily agreed with her. Shikaku was a pretty nice guy in general terms, but when he got serious, he was a force to reckon with. She didn't have time to say anything else as she had to dodge a shadow coming at her. She let out a small 'eep' as a second one came from the other side. Before she knew it, she was being relentlessly hunted down by Shikaku's shadows, "How is this in any way fair?!" she shouted out as she dived out of the way of one, only to transition into a summersault to avoid another.

"Whoever said being a kunoichi was going to be fair?" Shikaku asked lazily as he directed the shadows.

"I've changed my mind, it's Shikaku who's the biggest jerk. Cho..." she got cut off as she had to dodge and avoid three simultaneous shadows. When she finally got a slight moment to continue, she did, "Choza is my new favorite!" she shouted out hotly.

All she got in reply was Inoichi laughing at her and Choza going slightly red in the face. Shikaku was simply ignoring her.

Kushina was extremely impressed with this kid. She was a prodigy, she had to be with the skills she was presenting. She had managed to dodge Shikaku's shadows for ten minutes before becoming too tired to keep up with them. Obviously Shikaku had been going easy on her, but that was still extremely impressive to last that long. Some of those dodges had been flawless and seemingly unconscious for her to do. Like it was second nature for her. They had given her a small water break so she could rehydrate and catch her breath. Then it had been straight back into physical training. They had kept that up for around two hours before transitioning into weapons training. She was scarily good with senbon, and kunai was not far behind. She wasn't the best with shuriken, but Kushina could see the potential behind the throws. Once the kid found her own way of throwing them, she would be just as good with those.

When they moved onto jutsu training Kushina's jaw dropped. Why in the world were they training someone so young how to do jutsu? Small chakra training she could see, but not jutsu. Kids at the academy didn't learn to do jutsu until their last year. She watched as the girl flawlessly walked up a tree with no problem. How much chakra control did the kid already have?

The training lasted hours, nearly all day in fact. She couldn't believe that they pushed her that hard for that long. How did the kid not get completely burned out? How large was her chakra pool? Kushina watched them pack up and head home. There was no way she could follow them anymore. They were all staying at Inoichi's house for some reason and she would never be able to sneak into the Yamanaka district.

Once she was sure that they were gone and she wouldn't get caught snooping she got out of her hiding spot and started making her way back into town. She felt her stomach rumble and changed her direction from home to Ichiraku Ramen. They were a pretty new place but they had quickly made it to her favorite place to get ramen. She didn't feel like cooking tonight, there was too much on her mind. She sat down and ordered a large bowl. Once she started eating, she let the Kyuubi start talking to her.

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