Poofy hair

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Bill's pov:

I woke up with my arms still around Dipstick.

He was so cute. Those tiny freckles of his.
And the way his hair just, like, poofed out everywhere.

I wanted to lie here with him forever but the door swung open.

"Kitchen now. Get me a drink."

I swung my legs over the sid of bed and tried not to disturb Dipper.

When in the kitchen, I switched on the light and went over to the fridge.

Opening it, I took out the half empty bottle of wine from the top shelf and a glass from one of the cabinets.

I dropped a couple of ice cubes in and walked through to Tad.


He already had pinetree sat to his left.

I passed him the glass and sat down on his right.

"Which one of you wants to 'help me' with something?"

Dipper and I looked over at each other, both saying nothing.


"I-i will sir." I got to my feet, wobbling a little.

"Excellent. Go fetch me the pouch hanging up in the punishment room. It's by the door.  You won't miss it."

I nodded, bowing and went on my way.

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