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My heart skipped a beat. No, seriously. Bill? The triangle. How? This makes NO SENSE.

"Isn't it obvious pinetree?" The shadow got closer. And closer. And  closer.
"WELL?!" as he grabbed my chin and looked me dead in the eyes,  his a crimson red, I instantly caved.

"I-I- how?" I was barely able to form words, I didn't want to anger him any more. Long story short, he terrified me and he always had.

"Well with your egghead I'm surprised you even need to ask. It's simple. A human's touch woke me."

" W-well who? "

"Real irritating he was, moody, a proper selfish type. Looked about 15ish? Wears eyeliner. Total dumbass. You might know him?"

I said nothing. Robbie.

He let go of my chin and stood up, looming above me yet again.

"But that's not important pinetree. You don't know why you're here, DO YOU?! " Bill growled that last part, his cat-like pupils getting bigger and bigger, making him even more menacing.

I hung my head, trying to hide my face from him. If he saw the fear on my face, he'll know he scared me, and then be able to use that against me.

"ANSWER ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!" My face stung. He slapped me. "WELL?" I still didn't reply.
He grabbed me by my shirt collar and pulled me up, so I was standing. My hands still tied round the pole.

"I think I'm going to teach you a lesson pinetree."

I whimpered. What did he mean by 'a lesson'? I had no clue, but since this was Bill, it clearly wasn't anything good.

"Shut up you piece of shit."

His fist closed around my neck, as he threw my head back against the metal. I gasped in pain, already able to feel the blood dripping down my back. Since I was wincing I was unable to process what was happening around me. The throbbing was all I could think about. It hurt like hell.

" I sure hope so Pinetree 'cus that's what i was aiming for!"

I tried kicking him off me. With his free hand he snapped his fingers and my feet were tied round the pole as well, yet my legs spread apart slightly.

"I ngh... Ah...."

His leg was in-between both of mine, catching my, ya know....


*20ish minute time skip*
(still Dipper's pov)

"Now Pinetree, shush" He left the room, flicking me on the nose which made me flinch.

'oh good he's gone' I tried wriggling out of the rope but it was too tight. I couldn't loosen it at all. In fact, I swear it was getting a little tighter each time I moved. I'd been struggling for about 10 minutes maybe?, When I finally noticed Bill was stood at the door again smirking.

He started walking towards me, something in his hand. Of course I was scared but I stopped trying to get free and made no noise.

"Promise you're not going to try running away? I mean, you won't  anyway but i'd rather you come willingly, than me having to drag you. So Sapling, you gonna cooperate?"

I nodded, keeping my head down. What the hell was he talking about. And why-


I'd been that lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed what he was doing. A collar. I couldn't see it but I knew. Cold metal. Long chain attached. Bill slowly untied my hands and feet, but before I even thought about making a run for it, he'd grabbed hold of my wrist.

Matching metal cuffs materialised, keeping both hands tied together. 

"Run and I slit your pretty little sister's throat, got it?"

" Y-yes" I looked up and gave him a fearful, but also shocked look. He was smirking yet again at my reaction.


Pulling quite harshly on the chain, he walked over to the door and opened it. I followed after him because:
A) if I didn't, I would choke.
B) I didn't want Mabel to get hurt.

After about another 5 minutes of walking we reached what I was guessing was Bill's 'throne room'.

Looking through the huge, triangular window in the fearamid I was horrified. He had started weirdmaggeadon again. This time it looked at least ten times worse. Holy shit Bill was really powerful.

"Why thank you Pinetree but what's the point in stating what's obvious." that sarcy grin. If my hands were free, he'd have lost several teeth by now.

"Um B-Bill?"

" Mhmm? "

"Can y-you stop th-this? Please?" 

" And just why would I do that? " he turned slightly to face me. He looked kinda pissed.

"Um I just..... "
I choked as he pulled hard on the chain. So hard in fact that i fell on all fours.

I looked up to see a VERY pissed off Bill glaring at me.
I stood up, quick as possible and he pulled me over to his 'throne of fear' or whatever it was called.

Sitting down, he Stuck his second arm out and grabbed the collar,
Those sharp, knife-like claws scratching down my kneck in the process. He pulled me closer to him so I was now stood above him and only inches away from his face.

"Well pinetree, Now you listen or else I WILL  destroy your entire family."

" O-ok" just listening to what he had to say couldn't hurt, could it?

He placed me on his lap where i started squirming. Until he glared at me again. I stopped and bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

"Oh shut the fuck up. It's your fault you got took. So listen for Satan's sake."

We'd been sat there for about two hours. He listed off the rules. I had to repeat. In the correct order. And there were more than 50, plus he kept adding to them.

"Good boy pinetree. You got it! Now, to simplify the rules:

What must you call me at all times?
And what happens if you disobey?"

" M-master or sir,
and if I disobey I will be punished. "

"That's right. And it will not be easy. But that's fine because I know you'll fulfil each task I give to you anyway. Otherwise I start with your sister, then your dumb 'grunkles' and one by one, I'll empty gravity falls. Picking off every single meatsack until you're the only one around for miles. Understand?!"

" Yes sir" I was now sat on the floor in front of his throne.

"Heh well, let's get you kitted up then bitch"

Billdip - His PinetreeWhere stories live. Discover now