Stealing a Pinetree

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Bill's pov: (this ain't gonna happen often btw)

Heh. I could hear him. I could hear my little tree's thoughts. And he'd said some quite rude -yet still true- things about me. I wasn't going to just let this slide.

I got up from the couch and teleported myself to my room. He was laying there, fighting against the metal, desperate to be freed from the cuffs. Oh how I loved watching him squirm. That adorable pouty face, those few freckles he had, and those irresistible gold - brown eyes. In my eyes he was nothing but perfect.

He noticed me standing there watching him and wriggled faster, eyes huge.

A small purr escaped my lips. I slowly walked to his side and stroked his hair

"Awww. You look so helpless there pinetree. Ya need any 'help'?"


"Have it your way then" it was probably best not to approach him until he was begging to be released. Only then would I know he trusted my next movements.


Dip's pov:

He's gone again.

Fucking wonderful.

And the lights had gone out too. Pitch black. My only option was to lay there until he came back up and then I'd prove that I was going to be good.

I looked over my shoulder and two glowing purple eyes were hovering in the blackness of the room.

"Who's there?!" My breathing was shaky.

"B-bill? This isn't f-funny!"

They drifted nearer, so I squeezed my eyes shut tight.

I could feel a long, sharp - nailed finger on my lips move up to silencing me.

"No. It's not Bill"

He lifted his hand away and I felt them move up to my wrists.

"What a-are you d-doing?"

No reply

He proceeded to loosen the cuffs and crack them off.

Shit. I couldn't even shout for Bill because I knew he wouldn't come and help me.

Maybe he wanted this. Maybe this was his plan. What if he wanted to get rid of me? I hadn't been that bad, had I?

"No dear, Bill doesn't know."

I gasped and lay rigid.

"And it's going to stay that way."

"N-No! Let go of me!"

"No. I want you. I think I'm going to steal a Pinetree, to teach you a lesson. Since that 'oh so magical Nacho' is too weak to do it himself."

He put a cloth over my face. I kicked him in the balls but he just laughed. Fuck I'm dead meat now.

And then....

And then it all went black. Blacker than the room already was.

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