An argument and a vibrator

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"you two gonna stay put? I'll be back in a minute."

We nodded, and I smiled up at Tad, for him to bend down and give me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

"Well somebody seems to know what they're doing. Why couldn't you have been this well behaved for me? Eh pinetree?"

"You said it yourself, Tad's power is infinite and unbeatable. It's best not to get on his bad side. That's all."


I sighed at Bill's anger and leaned my head against his shoulder. "Just shut up."

"Ooh, bonding now, are we?"

"No sir. I'm just fed up with.... Um...." I glanced at Bill. He sure was annoying me. But I didn't want to rat him out either.

"I see. You want some food?"

"Yes please!"


"Alright." He snapped and two fancy glass plates of food appeared before us.

Despite his bad mood, even Bill looked a little bit happier.

I pretty much wolfed mine down in a matter of seconds.

Once we'd disappeared, the plates disappeared.

"I'd say it's time to show you two something. Get up."

"What is it sir?" I'd immediately sprung on to my feet. And was ready for another command.

Bill slowly rose up himself.

"Just follow. I'm trusting you to walk by yourselves so don't bother running anywhere."

"I'd never dream of it Sir."

"Dreams, heh."

I ignored Bill's comment.

He took us to a large metal door.

"This, this is where I got all my stuff from."

I looked up and down the walls. All around me were sextoys and equipment of all kinds.

A rather impressive collection of collars took up an entire wall. With the other things shoved in boxes, or hanging off of hooks. Objects that I couldn't even name littered the floor.

Then behind me was quite a small cage. He'd mentioned it earlier - and it was so small that you wouldn't even be able to move around in it.

He grabbed Bill's leash and pulled him closer. Staring each other in the face, Tad reached down for his dick.

Bill's eyes widened to the size of saucers and he made a small sound which was like a cross between a moan and a squeak.

"You're in here tonight. Don't bother arguing. I'll be coming back for the 'talk' soon."

He pushed Bill into the cage, slamming the door shut and locking the padlock.

"Well puppy, pick something for us to do in the meantime."

My eyes searched the room, checking out all the toys on the walls.

"Umm, I'm not sure, sir."

"I'll pick then. How about...... These!"

He held a ring gag (think it's called that?) And a vibrator.

"It's your choice sir. They seem good to me."

"Yes well, you would say that. But I'm going to use these anyway, because I can!"

On the inside I was nervous as fuck. But on the outside I played it cool.

We appeared in the throne room again, and he led me over to his throne.

He pushed me backwards and I stumbled, falling into the seat. Two glowing black chains swung round from behind the throne and locked my arms into place behind me.

More chains leapt from the sides and this time went around my legs.

Tad's hand slammed scarily close to my face, "This will be fun. For me not you."

That made me gulp, slumping further under him.

"Oh do shut up."

He left me to go fetch the gag from a nearby table. "Open."

I did and he placed it in my mouth, fiddling with the straps until he was sure it wouldn't come loose.

I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling the vibrations being sent up my member, then,  throughout my entire body.

I was an absolute moaning mess and it took barely any time at all before I came in Tad's hand.

"Drink it." He wafted it near my face.

I shook my head. There was NO way. His cum was bad enough. I didn't want to know what my own tasted like.

"Drink it or I will punish you."

I shook my head again. This was sick. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever have to experience that.

"Are you refusing?"

I thought to myself, well yeah you dumb twat what does it look like?!

"Oh naughty. Very naughty. I guess I will have to punish you. But first....."

He dripped it down my throat. That shit was revolting. I almost threw up but swallowed it anyway.

"There! Not that hard is it?"
He switched the vibrator back on and positioned it well against my member.

Only this time it was on max.

'oh god.'

"I'll be back with your punishment soon. I have another..... 'pet'...... To attend to."

He left me sat there, struggling against the binds. I was going to cum again -and that shouldn't even be possible - but I could feel it coming.

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