will he forgive me?

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I woke up to the sound of yelling.
And objects flying everywhere.

I sat up and narrowly dodged a vase, which smashed against the wall behind me. I put up an arm to shield myself from the glass.

Only now did I notice the chaos going on in the room.





"And why is that?" I flinched at the way Bill's voice had suddenly dropped to barely a whisper.

I stood behind Tad, gripping onto his suit.

"Because, you incompetent motherfucking 'king of all things with 3 sides', I've managed to teach him the ways of a proper pet. He knows his place. And he certainly knows who he belongs to. Which, unfortunately for you, is me."

"We'll see about that. Hey pinetree, which of us do you need more?" He held his arms out, waiting for me to pick.

"Shut the fuck up. C'mere boy. Come to Master."

"Uh, I, uh..."

"Will you hurry up and fucking pick?!"

"I-i'm Sorry..... Bill....."
I felt horrible. He looked so close to breaking.

"Well that's lovely then."

He snapped his fingers and gold chains surrounded Bill, winding round his arms and legs.

I gasped and brought my hands to my mouth.

"M-master you said you wouldn't!"

"Who said I'm going to kill him? I'm just going to help him learn where his place lies in this world. Just like I did with you."

"What?! But-"

"Shush Sapling. Let him. I don't care anymore. Plus he's not lying when he says he has a higher status than me. Tad is the strongest being in the multiverse."

"But that's not right! Just because Tad has more power or whatever doesn't make him able to control you!"

"I think you'll find it does. You see pet, us two made a deal. I can do what I want with Bill, and the rest of the world, as long as he gets to see you from time to time."

"What? Bill.... Please tell me it's not true!"

"We did. He's serious. I gave up all my worth just to be with you because I knew you'd pick him over me." The chains disappeared.

"Mhmm. Come over to me. Both of you."

"Yes master?"

"Go with Bill and help him pick out an..... Appropriate outfit."

I nodded, lacing my fingers through Bill's. We left the room and he wouldn't talk to me. I don't think he could. I myself, was holding back tears. This didn't feel right. A demon owning another demon. How is that even possible? I felt terrible. I might've been able to prevent this! It was my fault. Everything. Everything bad that had ever happened had been my fault.

"Just through here." I nodded at the door to our left. "I'll wait out here."

He took about 20 minutes? And eventually came out wearing an outfit like mine. A frilly little maid's dress, with the black heels and long stockings. I did, however take particular interest in the earrings he was wearing. A red triangle. And inside that triangle was a small yellow triangle, a blue pinetree and a purple square, that was much bigger and seemed to be looming over the other objects.

"What are you looking at? You look ridiculous yourself." Bill huffed, crossing his arms and turning away.

"No, i-it's just, I've never imagined you looking like.... Well...... This!"

"Shut up. We've got to get going back to Tad." He dragged me by my arm, through the many corridors and into the throne room.

"Ow! B-bill, stop! That hurts! Y-you're twisting my arm!"

"Tough shit. I still have a higher status than you, so don't go thinking we're equal now. Because we're not. We serve the same purpose. That's it."

He did seem pretty pissed about earlier so I thought it'd be best to just leave him be.

Billdip - His PinetreeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin