Fuck I'm horny

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"Ahh my two favourite toys are back. And may I just say, you look absolutely beautiful Blondie."

"Shut your trap." I gritted my teeth as Bill rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?! What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"You heard me. Shut your trap."

"That's it!! Hey pet, you clean this mess up. We'll be back soon."
He turned to me with a forced smile.

I nodded in response and got down to pick the shards of glass up off the floor.

"And you, you'd better follow me."

"Bitch." I don't think Tad had heard him but I certainly did.

The door closed behind them and I finished with sweeping every last piece of glass up.

I kneeled at the foot of the throne and waited. It took quite a while before the other two came back.

Tad was smirking as always, and patted my head as he took a seat on his throne.

Bill sat down next to me.

"Oh no you don't. Pet, up here. You Blondie, you stay there."

"Yes Master?" I stood up and smiled sweetly.

"I want a repeat of last night."

"B-but what about-"

"I don't care if he's still in the room. The more the merrier!"

Sighing I gave my best 'sorry' face to Bill and took out Tad's member.

I kneeled down in front of him, hands behind my back. And moved my tongue up and down his length.

"Aghhh-ahhhh fuck. T-that's good. Yes. Carry on. Ahhh~"

I could see Bill from the corner of my eye. He looked absolutely disgusted.

I saw him mouthing something to nobody in particular. "That should be me."

I felt bad. The man I loved was watching me suck another man off. It was....... Weird.

I could barely think over Tad's moaning and grunting.

He moved his hand to hold my head in place whilst I focused on the entire thing. Taking most of his member in my mouth, I sucked hard and fast. Just the way he liked it.

He came in my mouth once more so I swallowed it, then looking up at him waiting for my next instruction.

"Stand here." He patted his lap expectantly.

I slid into his lap, using his suit to pull myself up.

"Right, now hold still."

He managed to sit me down on one of the throne's arms, my legs spread.

"And what about me, 'Master'?"

"Oh that's simple. It's your turn to give me a blowjob."

"Oh my fucking god no."

"'oh my fucking god' YES."

He tried to imitate Bill. Very badly. I actually had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"What's that?" He was staring at my chin.

Oh shit. I must have bit it too hard. Hard enough to draw blood.

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