In my opinion, there should be less meet and greet tickets sold. Granted, not as many people would be able to buy them, but at least the people that did actually have like five minutes with him or something instead of being tossed around like something worthless as you barely say hi to him. It bothers me a lot and I don’t know why but it does.

            “Damn.” Justin said once we were walking to his dressing room. “You were feisty back there. What was that for?”

            “Do you not see the people that literally cry in front of you for like only a second and then they get tossed out like they’re nothing? Does that not upset you?”

            He stopped once we reached the door and turned to look at me.

            “Well, yeah. It does. There’s not really anything I can do about it though. I’m not exactly the one who-“

            “This is your tour Justin how the hell do you not have a say on how you want to meet your fans? That makes no sense at all.”

            “Jesus, Okay Sophia I’m sorry. Why are you jumping down my throat about it?”

            “Because I feel bad for them. I just think you should spend a little more time with them, you know? They do a lot for you that you don’t even realize.”

            Closing the door to his dressing room behind me, I took a seat in one of the leather chairs to the side and watched him as he slowly began to undress. I could tell he was deep in thought when he let out a sigh of frustration and nodded his head as if he somehow understood but he didn’t. I don’t think he ever could.

            “I know.” He said. “I get it. They pay for my shows and I-“

            “Some people can’t even afford a ticket.” I input. “If it weren’t for my job at the diner I would never have come to see you that night and you think about all of the girls who are too young to get a job and who’s parents don’t have any money to send them to the show. Those are some of your most dedicated fans because no, they can’t go to your show, but they will sit on social media sites and vote for you endlessly to make sure you win a damn award or tweet you nice things to make you smile every single day of your life. I know some of them don’t like me but they deserve better than what just happened there and I think some fans on Twitter should be chosen to get free tickets as well. I’ll choose them so they won’t be fake ones. Lord knows your management doesn’t know the difference between a fake stan and a belieber.”

            His pants were on the floor as he shuffled out of them and stared at me in amusement as I was rambling and ranting on about all of this but it’s like I couldn’t stop. God, I was so angry at his security back there.

            “Babe I get it. I’m sorry. I know I don’t do as much for them as I should but if you want to pick some fans to give out tickets to I’m all for it. You can do that.”

            “VIP?” I asked. “I want them to meet you.”

            “VIP. Whatever you want.”

            So then I smiled because I got my way and he could tell because he started to laugh as the introduction to the tour started up, Justin slimming out his first outfit and turning to look at me for approval. He was wearing all black. From his leather pants to his leather jacket and then I noticed the gold mic attached to his ear that came around to the front of his face and his gold sneakers. He looked so good and then I realized I’ve been ranting for the past five minutes when he had to go on stage and was probably nervous as hell. Sometimes I really don’t think about things.

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