🥀Life is cruel...🔥

Start from the beginning

He downs the rest of his drink, before pouring himself some more.

"I just wish I knew why this was happening, but I guess everything has some type of purpose."

Peter sits in silence, taking another sip.

"I'm going to kill myself in 4 months. I'm going to have as much fun as possible in these next few months, and hopefully, I'll be able to join you after this pain ends..." Peter says sadly.

He downs the rest of his drink before looking over to the glass next to him. He picks it up downing it as well. He gets up and spreads his arms out wide as if embracing the winds.

"Till we meet again dad, addio (goodbye)." Peter picks the bottle up and walks back to the elevator.

The doors open and the second he's about to walk in he feels a warm presence near, and then feels arms wrap around him.

"Stay... you're story can't end so soon...." And with that, the warm feeling disappears.

Peter drops the bottle and glasses, they shatter within seconds. He falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He ignored how his knees now bled because of the shattered glass.

Peter grabs his left hand, feeling his pulse. He folds in on himself and cries his heart out. 

He never heard the elevator doors closing and then re-opening, he never heard a figure walk out and gasp his name. But he did feel them hug him.

"Hey kiddo, come on what's wrong?" Bucky whispers, pulling the kid in for a hug. Peter sobs into his shoulder, holding on as tight as possible.

Bucky rubs his back whispering soothing words.

Bucky and Peter had become very close after Peter lost Tony and Bucky lost Steve. 

Once Peter calmed down he took a shaky breath and gave Bucky an embarrassed smile. Bucky laughs at the sudden mood change. 

"You better now?" Bucky asked seriously. 

"Yeah, just... just had a panic attack," Peter says, pulling away and standing. Bucky stands next to him, looking down at the broken glass and spilled drink. 

"What were you drinking?" Bucky asks confused.

Peter pauses before sighing.

"Tony's favorite alcohol... I came up here to talk to him, even brought him a glass..." Bucky sighs, before pulling Peter into a tight hug. 

Peter accepted the hug, a few tears escaping. 

Carefully they moved away from the broken glass and walked into the elevator. 

"I'll send someone to clean that up, for now, I need to get you fixed up," Bucky says sternly. 

"I'll be fine, my healing can take care of it," Peter says nonchalantly. He didn't want to be an inconvenience, it's bad enough Bucky had to see him breakdown. 

"Absolutely not, we're getting that fixed up now Peter," Bucky says, his voice was hard and stern. Peter flinched.

"I'M FINE!" Peter shouts in retaliation, before smacking his own mouth shut in horror and surprise. Bucky looked just as surprised.

"Peter-." Before he could say anything Peter ran, he ran and ran and he had no clue where he was going but he kept running. 

Peter stops to catch a breath but hears footsteps. He enters the room next to him quickly not reading the label. He held his breath as he heard Bucky pass him. 

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