" What do you mean by that ? " Jin looked at Jimin being all confuse.

"I Mean you injured people as a Gangster, and then heal them as a doctor" Jimin took a bite of what Jin was eating.

" Wow  you just made me feel bad about my second profession for a second." Jin pouted more.

"What? Being a doctor?"

" No being a gangster- i mean Mafia. Jimin i am really not in the mood to answer this type of question so pl-"

" Why ?" Jimin interrupted.

" Well the whole Yoongi and Hobie's Court marriage thing, is making me feel pissed off. Like they didn't even invited or informed us. On top of that Hobie has the audacity to say he didn't knew either. Like how it's not like he didn't know he was getting married." Jimin nodded indicating that he was listening carefully while Jin finally had someone who was listening to his ranting without giving him any useless advise. He just wanted someone to listen .

" Hyung i think Hobie Hyung is right. Looking at how scary Yoongi Hyung can be I think may Hyung trick Hobie Hyung in this. " Jimin stated the fact after Jin finished his ranting.

" Huh! C'mon hobie knows Suga too well, he won't get fool by him." Jin rubs his Temples.

" Maybe Yoongi Hyung took someone else's help in tricking hobie. " Jimin said and Jin shook his head.

" Well i am going back to sleep" but before he could get up Jimin holds his hand. " Hyung you didn't listen about my problem." Jimin mutter slowly.

" Oh sorry , so what is it?"

" Um hyung i had a dream-"

" Wait right there , sweetie i am not a psychiatric or neither a person who describes dreams. I am a doctor" Jin interrupted Jimin.

" No the dream relates to a physical problem. Something which aches and turns big every time i had this dream." After that Jimin told everything to Jin.

" I still can't believe , you're the same person who was smart enough to explore our secret but so innocent when it comes to your own erection" Jimin made a confuse looking face.

" Don't tell me you don't know what erection is . You said it yourself you were a medical students before remember? You Atleast know what it is right? Even if you didn't had one." Jin was about to explode this Mochi was on a whole new level.

" I told you i failed. Plus i do remember something like that in one of medical book but i thought that my book was misspelled like it was election and electile dysfunctional. Which were misspelled into erection and erectile dysfunctional. I also told my mom that but book was all wrong but she didn't get me a new one. So Kookie helped me by correcting my whole book for me in just one night. But i still failed." This type Jimin was the one who pouted after recalling his previous memories. While Jin's left eye twitch .

" Are. You. Telling me. That Jungkook changed erection into election just cause , you thought it was that. " Jimin nodded to Jin's word." And you still don't know why you failed?" Jimin nodded again.

" What is reproductive system?" Jin suddenly asked. " I know what that is." Jimin explained and Jin was on the edge of busting in anger. Like this guy who exactly what a reproductive system is but he doesn't know erection. So he thought it was better to. Leave.

He stood up and was about to leave, when Jimin stopped Him again . "Hyung my problem." Jimin said still sitting on his seat.

Jin took a deep breath and replied. "Listen i am going to tell you this as simple as i can. YOU are having WET dreams. Which cause that aching ERECTION. Try RUBBING it with your hands. It will work okay. Don't be ashamed every man does that. It's a C'mon thing. Now I'll take my leave. " With that Jin placed the empty plates in the dishwasher and turned to leave he walked towards the door and was about the to turn the lights off because he thought Jimin was leaving too but then he heard a sexiest breathy moan.

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