1: Fresh Start

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I wander into my fresh dorm room and glance around.

I wonder who my roommate is.

I begin unpacking all of my stuff.

As I'm hanging up my shirts, I hear a knock on the door. I instantly go to open it.

"Oh hey! I didn't know you were coming this early," she smiles as she shuts the door behind her. "I'm Kiara."

I can't help but notice she looks so-

So goddamn flawless.

She has a straight-set of white teeth, sexy green eyes, and long frizzy light copper-colored hair.

Don't even get me started with her body.

"Rachel," I stutter.

"What grade are you in?" she questions me.


"Me too! Dope!" She lingers at the door. Wasn't she going to start unpacking?

"Oh! By the way, this is a single. This entire floor is filled with singles. But that door right there-" she points at the door in the back of the room. "-connects with mine. I have a single too. But hey, we're basically roommates!" She beams. 

I nod my head, not knowing how to react. Hey, at least I have my own room.

"Do you want me to show you around campus or something?"

I nod my head once again. 

She closes the door behind her as we walk out and she gives me another smile.

We understand. You have straight teeth. I bet when I get my braces off I will look even better!

"This is a nice and small school. There aren't many people that attend it, maybe like 200. So you mostly have classes with the same people," she informs. "Breakfast is 7:00-9:00, lunch is 11:00-12:15, and dinner is 5:00-6:15. We have a buffet of pasta and bread, and there's also some Chinese food and pizza. Salad bars, sandwich bars, all you can eat. You'll love the food here, it's so good."

I'm delighted. I love food.

She snickers.

Did I just say that out loud?

"Jayden! I hate when you tickle me!" she spins around and hugs this random guy.

"Jayden, this is Rachel, my new roommate. Rachel, this is my boyfriend, Jayden."

Hm. Intriguing.

"Hi," I smile.


"Do you guys wanna come to the dorms? We're just hanging out, a few of the guys on the team," he suggests.

"You're going to love it here! Except for the school part, it sucks," Kiara states as she grasps Jayden's hand.

We walk down a flight of stairs and enter the dorm.

"Don't you have to ask to invite people into your dorm-"

Jayden shushes me. "You gotta be slick, girl!"

My eyes open wide. I can't believe I'm doing this. This isn't right. 

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