I heard Grey's heart skip a beat in surprise from across the room, as if he were learning this information for the first time as well.

"I became an Angel, and then found out that they wouldn't let me-let me be with Cisco ever again now that I was pledged to Heaven. So I Fell, and went out to go find him. Years- decades- I searched. I went all over Italy to every town, followed leads left and right and never found him. So I turned my attention elsewhere. And murdered those who had killed my family and taken my happiness and future away from me," Siena gritted her teeth slightly, her molten eyes shifting upwards to meet mine.

"They had taken control of Siena after they'd murdered my family, and when I murdered them, I freed the people of Siena from their tyrannical rule. The people called me the 'Angel of Siena'. That's how I chose my name."

"So sewing Francisco yesterday- that was the first time you'd seen him since before you died?" I murmured softly and she nodded.

"I didn't know he- I thought he had just ran. His family was the only people who knew my family's location that day. I thought- I thought when I couldn't find him, that he'd had something to do with my murder, with my family's murder. And he'd run because of it. He'd left me. And he- I thought he betrayed me until I saw him yesterday and he said-," she paused, tears streaming down her face.

"That he died searching for you," I finished her sentence for her and she nodded. "Do you believe him?"

"I don't know. It's been 3 centuries since I've seen him. 3 centuries, I'd spent, hating him for what I thought he did to me. 3 centuries I'd spent angry at the world for taking what was mine," she huffed, pressing her lips together.

"Is it possible that someone else in his family might've exposed your family?" I asked softly.

"I suppose. But I didn't think they had a reason. Their son would've been a lord. They would've been taken care of for the rest of their lives. The only reason I could think of was that Cisco didn't want to marry me and couldn't find a way out, so he had us killed," she explained.

"But you said he'd worked so hard to win the favor of your family- that doesn't sound like something he'd do after working for years to marry you. And also, if he had done that, would he have been able to become an Angel?" I frowned.

"No. Murder during a human life, if not done in self defense or defense of another, sends a soul straight to Hell. That's partly why I was so surprised to see him with white wings. And angry that his wings were white," she huffed.

"So he didn't do it. He couldn't have done it. Or he wouldn't be here with white wings," I said and she nodded.

"Siena- if he didn't do it, then you should talk to him and see if he knows anything about who did," I suggested.

"But I- I don't know, I'm still so mad. I know he didn't do it, you're right, but- I Fell for him. I spent years searching for him. And I- I'm so mad at myself for still- for still feeling my heart ache when I looked at him. And I'm so furious with God for making us soulmates, and me only finding out now, 3 fucking centuries after I died on my wedding day," she ground out, her eyes flashing a fiery bronze.

"God has a habit of revealing things at the worst time," I smiled gently and she nodded.

"What do you want to do?" I asked and she sucked in a deep breath, wrapping her arms tightly around herself and looking out at Heaven.

"The Reckoning is going to start soon. I can feel it in the air- the tension. We might all die. If I die again, I don't want it to be without talking to him. I need to get closure, in one way or another. I need to know what happened to my family and to him," she breathed out firmly.

"You can do this, Sie," I reassured her and she nodded, her swirling fiery eyes locking with mine.

"Thank you. I'll- I'll let you know how it goes," she nodded towards Grey, who came over and gently took my hand in his, helping me stand upright. Grey started to lead me out of the apartment, but paused and looked back at Siena over his shoulder.

"Siena?" He spoke gently.

"Yeah?" She turned her head to meet his gaze.

"I'm proud to be your friend," he said softly. She paused, her eyes blazing at she stared back at him.

"I'm proud to be yours," she responded with a slight upturn of her lips. With that, she turned her head back towards the city of Heaven, and Grey helped me through the door, closing it gently behind me. The moment he did, I turned and reached up, gripping the back of his neck and pulling his lips down against mine.

My eyelids fluttered shut when I felt him inhale deeply, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. My fingers curled around locks of his midnight hair as I gently pulled away, resting my forehead against his.

"What's that for?" He breathed softly against my lips, cerulean eyes glowing beneath the shadow of his eyebrows and dark lashes.

"You're a good man, Grey," I murmured back, my thumb running in circles around the back of his neck.

"Far from it, actually," he chuckled lowly, pulling back and pressing his lips against my forehead.

"I disagree. You were there for her yesterday when she needed you, and there for her today when she needed you. You make mistakes, and a lot of them, but you're-," I paused and looked up at him. "You have a good heart."

His otherworldly eyes flicked back and forth between mine for a moment, unwavering as they assessed me. "You really believe that," he said softly, as if in disbelief.

"I do," I nodded. He slowly leaned back down and gently brushed his lips against mine, his hand cupping the base of my jaw. Chills erupted across the surface of my skin and shot down my spine like electricity, my body curling against his as if on instinct. He left me breathless, desperate for more, desperate for something I knew he felt he didn't deserve.

"I missed you, Greene," he whispered against my lips, his fingertips trailing down the side of my neck, making me shiver.

"So badly. I want so badly to be good enough for you," he murmured, his hand wrapped around the side of my neck with his thumb pressed against the base of my jaw.

"Hey! I can still hear you! Get a motherfucking room!" I heard Siena yell from inside her apartment and I chuckled, smiling against Grey's lips.

"Let's go. We need to see if Michael has any news," I pulled away and Grey groaned in frustration, but nodded, helping me down the hallway.

HELLO. Good news, quarantine means a hell of a lot more writing :) thoughts on Siena and Francisco/Zadkiel?

I decided to give you all a lil happy chapter because I mean, it's not gonna be super happy for a while now. Prepare yo'selves.

I hope you all are staying home and are safe. My thoughts are with each and every one of you. We're in this together.


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