Roc,Rayray, and prodigy night thoughts

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Roc pov 

Everyone said their Good nights and left, it was just me prod jasmine and tracey left in the room we werent tired so we stayed up and watched tv and played uno ( thats the game ) i lost soo many times its countless but it was funny how we made prod draw 16 cards thou lol.After a while that nigga prod went to bed without brushing he teeth.... nasty ass. Lol anyways me and jasmine where in bed just cuddling and stuff, her hair smelt soo ggood like my own personal brand of heroine[it smells like apples]. She is soo pretty with her soft legs perfect teeth beautiful hair and a nice ass to top it all off. We started talking at first then we started it kiss, i wanna ask her out soo bad but for some reason im scare.

Roc: jasmine you still awake?

Jasmine: yeah ( turns so there now facing each other) 

Roc: you board too

Jasmine: yeah you just read my mind

Roc: ( smiles) yeahh...

Jasmine(shyly) can i as you something 

Roc: yeah ( curiously) sure 

Jasmine: do you like me. I mean like as more than a friend.

Roc: yeah i do! 

Jasmine: ( laughs) you have the weirdest way of showing it. 

Roc:(smiles and hugs her tight) i know

jasmine: you having me wondering sometimes.

Roc: you do too

Jasmine(sarcastically) no i dont 

Roc: yeah you do, when everyone else is around us your soo shy. 

Jasmine: what you want me to do give you a lap dance infront of everyone?

Roc;(mumbles) that would be nicee

Jasmine: what was that?

Roc( smiles) ohh nothing 

Jasmine: what you wanna do when you grow up

Roc: if im not rapping i always wanted to flyy

Jasmine( laughs) your funny! 

Roc: lol yeah ikr 

Jamine( yawns) 

Roc: you tired 

Jasmine: yeah but ill stay up if u want me to 

Roc: its cool we can sleep n tomorrow we can hang out.

Jasmine: ight (kisses him on the lips) good night roc

Roc: night 

Still roc pov)

I watched her fall asleep it was kinda stolkish but who cares, shes really pretty when she sleeps. ( exhale deeeply) why cant i just ask her out already? I know i love her but i just dont say anything. I dont know why i do that but i gues ill have to tell her eventually. Prod started moving so i acted like i was sleeping then acually feel asleep

Rayray pov

Life is so difficult of me. What am i going to tell imani that me n star broke up in my mind? I would sound so stupid to her, im trying to impress her not make her run away. 

Rayray: hey imani i need some advice

Imani:(curiously) oh k

Rayray: (sighs) its about me and star, i dont know what im doing i dont love her but where dating. I know im good at acting and all that but when it comes to love i cant fake how i feel. So how can i brake up with her without hurting her my friend family and fans?

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