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Imani: honestly jay i dont know but ray seem so different to me....... mabey i spend to much time around him

Jaylee: honestly i dont know what you see in him i always thought you were better off with prod! Or even roc but ray! Hes too cunning and devious 

Imani: you know how it is with prod! Hes with tracey and tracey is my friend i cant do her like that! 

Jaylee: he loves you! Omg how did you nit notice prodigy is in love with you mani! 

Imani: ( raises and eye brow) what? Psh no! 

Jaylee: its so obvious! Remeber when we were at the mall and you and him were fighting and stuff! He smiles everytime you looked at him! Then remember that day you got shot? Yeah! He cried more than anyone else! Even rayray!. 

Imani: woah that i didnt know!

Jaylee: Honestly i think ray has a secret apart from the one with amanda hes hiding something and just now when you were yelling at him he didnt even sound like he cares! Face it ray played you! 

Imani: its whatever we need a brake from them! 

Jaylee: i agree ( runs hands through hair) prince just gets one my fucking nerves! Like i mean he does the most to piss me off and then expect me to be like " oh babe i forgive you"  i be like nigga get the fuck out my damn face! 

Imani: i think you should start seeing someone else! I hate seeing you sad over some shit princeton did! 

Jaylee: i dont even know about that! Prince the first guy i was really inlove with leaving him shit gonna be mad awkward and stuff so its better to just stay with him i guess! 

Imani: see your playing it safe! Ahgain! Why stay and endure more pain? Diggy treated you better than he did! 

Jaylee: i do miss diggy i still dont know why we broke up? He never gave me a proper explaination! But i cant leave prince! Hes too much of me to leave! Hes glued to me so even if i tired i would never be able to leave, plus i care too much about him! 

Imani: look you need a break to find someone new or just chill and be the bestfreind i know you are, the one that laughs for no fucking reason and says the weirdest things

Jaylee: you too! are you going back to rayray?

Imani( looks at her) hell nah! Not anytime soon! Atleast

Jaylee: why 

Imani: cause im sick of seeing his damn face! His smirk makes me wanna slap him! 

Jaylee: so what you gonna do? 

Imani: nothing! You know why?

Jaylee: why?

Imani:( lil wayne voice) cause i aint got no worries! 

Jaylee: so your done with ray?

Imani: well yeah until he changes his attitude! A nigga tried to be smart with me

Jaylee(laughing) he dont know who he fucking with

Imani( laughs) aint it!! 

Meanwhile princeton pov)

Its over for me! I lost what i value the most AGAIN! Because of a dumb decsion i made! I was gonna walk back to my room and get my phone and over heard jaylee and imani talking!........

Imani: i think you should start seeing someone else! 

My heart dropped jay cant leave me now! She cant! I love her too much! I left immediatly and went in a dark room so i could cry! I was in there for a good hour before i came out! Saw jaylee in our room i walked in closing the door behind me! She looked up at me and sighed! 

Jaylee: prince i need to ta-(gco)

Prince: dont worry i already know its cool 

Jaylee: know what?

Prince: thats your breaking up with me! 

Jaylee: again you listen to my convos with imani?

Prince: i walked up and heard imani say you should start seeing someone else.

Jaylee: did you hear anything else after that?

Prince: no. I went to a dark room and cried! 

Jaylee: you what?

Prince: i cried! I cried because i thought you would actually leave! Ima be honest with you if you left me i would never be the same! My happyness would be gone! 

Jaylee: then why do you try your hardest to drive me crazy! Its like you dont care sometimes! 

Prince: so you really hate me huh?

Jaylee: i just hate what you do to me! 

Prince: so you hate when i do this! ( comes close to her face) 

Jaylee( hesitantly) ye-es

Prince( hugs her) how about now?

Jaylee( smiles a lil) yes! 

Prince( pulls her into a kiss)

She cant possibly hate this! We started kissing passionatly until both of us was on the bed with me ontop of her still kissing! She has her hands around my neck i knew she wasnt gonna leave! She opened her legs rapping it around my waist i was like woah i didnt even expect that! I then took it too the next level my taking off her top and i also too off mine! Im just surpised she didnt stop me yet! We continued kisding until she stoped and took her bra off! My eyes almost poped out my head! Not at the fact that she showed me her amazing breasts but that she took her bra off her self! Its like she wants me to die! Then wait why is she doing this and shes still supposedly anygry with me? Theirs a twist to it shes gonna trick me! But aye i aint even care bro cause yolo my nigga! We kept kissing until my emotions got the best of me! I took off her shorts then mine! She was wet af i was like "damn mrs.perez i aint know you was holding it down like that" she laughed and said "you just dont know how long i wanted to bang you"! That just turned me on! Well everything about her turns me on! 

Without even directing her she rolled me over so shes on top and im on the bottom! She then bent down to my dick and started sucking it! Teaseing me by licking the tip of my dick lightly! I was over the edge with a few mintues! She freaking deep throat my dick! How the hell she know about that? What had me going crazy was when she licked my nuts! ( lol funny word) i came right on her face she looked satisfied! Then she used her finger and whiped the cum of her face then licked it and swallowed! My eyes jumped out the sockets and rolled on the damn floor! My jaw then dropped! Oo she was gonna get this elongated dick know! 

(Meanwhile rayray pov)

So tell me why the hell im smiling and me and imani broke up? Why do i act so retarted some time! I love imani and all but am man! I aint have to fuck up! My bad boy imagine getting between me and my girl! This is cray cray! I have to get imani back. Im in our room on the bed watching tv until imani walks in! 

Ray: babe im sorry! 

Imani( rolls eyes) whatever ray! Were done. What part of that dont you understand! 

Ray: im not giving up on us imani! I know your angry at me but shes nothing but a peice of shit! It didnt mean anything! 

Imani: look ray! Their is nothing you can do to change my mind at this point! You should have never cheated! 

Ray: ( getting closer to her) you sure! 

Imani( looks at him up and down then bites lips) yeah! 

Ray: hm! ( gets closer to imani and whispers in her ear) how about we have a lil last time sex? 

Imani( breathes on his neck) im listening (smiles)


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